Eliza didn't miss a beat as she exclaimed with excitement. "Deal!" And grabbed two motorcycles keys from her latest collection, throwing one to Archer as he caught it swiftly. "I will drive, baby." Eliza kissed Adrian's cheek and went out to get her motorcycle ready, leaving him to bring their two backpacks. "By the way, I got you clothes with me, Bels." She said quickly and went out with excitement.

Bella's eyes widened, "oh, thanks, I guess." Eliza was sure so full of life.

"Why, Bella?" Adrian whined as Bella shrugged innocently. They both knew how much Eliza could be competitive, she would raise one damn of hell till she wins, and she usually won from the first time. Bella always compared her to Monica in the friends series regarding her competitive side.

They heard the motor of the motorcycle roar to life. "Bring your loser arses out there, and let's race." She revved the motorcycle again. "Adrian! Bring that lazy arse of yours right now! I am not one to lose."

"Let's just get this over with." Adrian groaned, dragging himself outside to his impatient fiancée as both Bella and Archer chuckled.

Archer grabbed Bella's hand, flashing her his handsome smile that made her smile automatically. "Let's go."

They all got seated on their motorcycles, ready to start the race with adrenaline-pumping into their veins.

"Ready to lose?" Eliza yelled over the high sounds of the motors, smirking at Bella and Archer.

"Don't perk your hopes up, Liz," Archer smirked, managing to piss off Eliza and making her more determined to win.

"Don't work her up, man!" Adrian complained from behind Eliza.

"Shut up, Cookie!" Eliza hissed at Adrian then looked at Archer with a glare. "On the count of three pussy."

"What's up with her and those strange nicknames?" Archer grimaced.

Bella chuckled, holding tightly on Archer. "That's Eliza for you."

"One.." Eliza sneered as Adrian huffed, praying that he would get out of that shit in one piece.

"Let her win, please," Bella whispered to Archer as she planted a kiss on the side of his neck.

"Two.." Eliza held the handles tighter, ready to rev the motor to life as Adrian slid his hands around her waist, holding on for his dear life, muttering his last prayers.

"The things you do to me.." Archer groaned, referring to the kiss while Bella chuckled.

"Three," Eliza shouted as they both revved the motorcycles into life and flew with the wind.

"Just for you, baby," Archer said to Bella while speeding up to stay on the same level as Eliza. "But first, let us have some fun." He sped more and was now on the lead with that sentence, leaving sneering Eliza behind.

"Oh hell no, not today, mate!" Eliza sneered and sped up more to try and catch up with Archer.

Archer was still on the lead, not giving Eliza a chance. "Despite you being a beginner, you are rocking the race!" Bella remarked with a proud grin on her face, feeling all excited and thrilled with Archer driving with full speed through the deserted street. Archer's only answer to that was a smirk and speeding more as Eliza cursed at him from behind.

"Eliza, calm down; you will win." Adrian tried, feeling that his life was in danger with his fuming fiancée driving.

She took a turn, not slowing down while taking it as Archer did as a precaution, resulting in Adrian holding tighter on to Eliza. "You better zip it, Adrian!"

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