28.1| PRM

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There are things in life that you can't change. All of many things, the one that scared me more was death. But I wasn't sure if this was all a dream or real. Nothing was making sense in my head. For hours, days, weeks or who knew how long I was trapped down there in pure darkness, that I couldn't point out the time difference.

I was treated like a lab specimen. People just came when they needed to observe my change, as they said. Or bring me weird red liquids in different plastic bags.

As much as I wanted to not drink it, my other me —the powerful, uncontrollable part, took over.

Every time it was worse. And they enjoyed my change very much. But all of this scared me.

Animals were brought down to my room. Animals that you could only find as the top predator of a chain. Either I died or survived, so I fought. God knows where these powers came from but each time I grew to love them. They were the only thing left in me.

"Don't be scared, prm. One day you will thank us for this. You'll see." One of them promised.

I tried to push those words back, but a smaller part believed him.

That's how I lived hell for long.

I remember the first day I opened my eyes. There was this image of a beautiful woman. I can't remember the feeling that erupted in me, but it was beautiful. She provided me with hope, though and I appreciate her for that.

I do remember crying every time I was alone. Then the feelings faded and turned into foreign emotions. It was as my body was numb, blocking out every memory and turning off the feelings.

As I sat on my bed after pacing for a while. I tried hard to remember who she was, but the only picture that came along was that of me signing papers along with other people.

I was too confused for days that it hurt to not remember.

My reverie didn't lost long as I was interrupted by the opening of the upper door. Down came a bag —different from other days, so I reached for it, sniffing the thing on my way.

I opened it, curious about what it had. A pair of jeans, boots, blouse and a jacket came out. I stared down at myself, eyeing my dirty, ripped clothing.

"Clean," said a female voice.

Just like the first time she came in here, she stood on a darker part of the room.

"We will go out but I need you to change," she ordered. "You have finally won our approval to take a stroll outside. After days being here, I know you will enjoy at least an hour."

At first I didn't knew what exactly was happening. But when she promised to take me to see the light, I was excited like a little girl. I couldn't remember how it felt being outside, and I was longing to feel the freedom.

And that was the day, I was sure everything in me had changed.

Every promise they had made, had come back like lightening assuring me that everything will be fine. And finally, I was totally convinced about who I was.

Forbidden: Since First Sight [COMPLETED] ✅ (Book One of the Forbidden series)Where stories live. Discover now