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Chapter Nine

That night despite the thunder, I was able to sleep. The reason was obvious. Devon. He made me feel ways I have no word to explain. He soothed me in every way possible. And if he wasn't present, the simple image of him in my mind, did the job. After weeks, I was finally happy.

I sat on my bed drying my hair. I hesitated for a while and contemplated the lip balm on my hand. I wasn't a person to use makeup, but that morning I wanted to impress him. We were starting all over again, even though we knew the evident attraction between each other.

Leisurely, I curled my hair with my hand and studied myself in the mirror. I was gaining weight. My face was evidence of it.

A knock on the door separated me from my ridiculous thoughts.

For a short period, I pictured my mom walking in and getting under the covers with me until I was wide awake. Instead, a lonely memory remained. I was used of people knocking and coming in but then realized it was my dad we were talking about here.

"Come in, dad." I walked across and sat on bed pushing my converse in my feet. I tilted my head up to see him enter my room.

"Thought you were sleeping. I am going now. I know it's earlier than usual but was thinking if you want a ride, nevertheless?" I didn't wanted to decline his generous offer, but it was really early.

Plus, today I felt like walking. Thanks to the sleep last night, my feet were strong as much as my body.

"It's early and I haven't eaten. I'm not done yet dad," I stood and pulled a beanie for the day along with my bag. " Thanks, though. I think I'll walk, " I smiled.

"Sure." He smiled back and turned around to walk out, but before he closed the door he added, " Oh! Ana. You look beautiful today. I mean...you do always. It's just... I thought I should say it. But yeah...you look nice and... " He scratched the back of his neck searching for words.

I was staggered by his sudden affection. Knowing my dad, he was a man of few words with his daughter and this got me off guard. He was changing fast.

My cheeks flushed — by surprise and happiness. No words came out but when he started stammering, I knew how awkward he must feel. Yet, I was gratified with life and him. He made my day and I had to help him out from the embarrassment.

"Hey dad, It's okay. I understand. And thank you." I grinned showing my teeth.

"Okay. See you this afternoon." He responded and closed the door behind.

I fell on my bed and revived the last minutes of my life. Such a turn.

A few minutes after, I walked down and was faced by silence. The total opposite of when my mom was alive. I caught myself thinking about her again, recalling the moments of when she lived in the kitchen more than any part of the house. Probably, that's why I liked Maya. She brought so much things to life.

I was again astound by the food in the table. Eggs, bacon and toast bread. A note laid on the table:

wish you luck in school
:) dad.

Eating the breakfast was better than I thought. Even though I was alone, I was happy; full of life. My mind was looking for reasons behind his sudden behaviour. Nothing made sense. What had him all loving and in a good mood? He promised but he was changing faster than I thought.

Forbidden: Since First Sight [COMPLETED] ✅ (Book One of the Forbidden series)Where stories live. Discover now