14.0| Forbbiden

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Chapter Fourteen

"I love you, Ana." He leaned closer, distance merely visible between our lips.

I sucked in a deep breath and lost myself into his eyes. His hazel soft hues turned into a small shade of black but instantly faded into its normal color.

"But we shouldn't be doing this." His hands fell to the sides and retrieved back, leaning on the table. 

My eyes followed him, remaining lost as I was. I wasn't sure how I was feeling. I couldn't decipher what exactly was the actual feeling of rejection.

Was I mad?


My heart jumped to my mouth accompanied by a heavy lump on my chest. I opened my mouth to say something, anything to remove the deep dagger he had buried in me. It was hurting so much I wanted to scream, stomp my feet like a toddler and run away as far as possible, but all I was able to do was force a whisper.

"Why?" I tried to hold back the tears threatening to swarm my glossy eyes, but felt weak under his presence.

He was too confusing. Coming to my house, acting as if he cares but dumps me like garbage after his confession.

Was he even serious?

It felt just like the first time he confessed he liked me.

"It's not you, my dear Ana. It's me. I am the one who is mad at the world for bringing someone unreachable to my life. You know?" He walked before me, his brows creased, his lips formed in a thin line.

"The day I saw you at school, I wanted to do something I am ashamed to say... I knew Matthew was coming and it pissed me off to know he was coming after you."

" How did he know? " I asked baffled by the confession.

It was obvious he knew because everyone knew I was coming to my dad's school. But Matthew, he was far.

"I can't confirm this, but I am pretty sure he has contacts. As well, he sort of predicts the future. He is weak at it, yet, but when he wants he can... That's not the point, though. I was mad. That's it. " Both hands clenched into a fist, his knuckles turning into white.

"I don't understand where this is going," I tried to wipe a traitor of tear rolling down my cheek but it won me on it.

His thumb brushed the trail of salt liquid it left behind, his face formed into pain.

"Since I met you there, I knew you were for me. It was wrong and I was sort of mad that you were chosen for me but I couldn't let you see through my weakness. I told London and Seth about it, right there on the spot, and they convinced me to stay away from you."

Again, we stood millimeters apart, his hot breath fanned my face and his woody coffee smell tingled my nostrils. His forehead rested over mines, swiping the rest of my senses. He was too complicated to read. To understand. He said something, yet his actions showed the opposite.

"Am I not enough for you?" I choked out , breaking on the last two words.

The thought itself hurt me. Was a human —not anyone but specifically me, not enough for this greek god. Another tear rolled down even though I tried to sniff it in.

His brows again creased in thought and his jaws clenched. His chest raised noticeably against mines, inhaling all the oxygen reachable.

"It's not that. In fact, you are too much for us. Beside you, the three of us are nothing." He lifted his hands in surrender, madness overtaking his soft voice.

Forbidden: Since First Sight [COMPLETED] ✅ (Book One of the Forbidden series)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ