1.0| Seattle

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Chapter one

It was end of September of the year 2017. Both the month and the year beautifully yet painfully marked on my heart. I was fully awake, like I have been the past couple weeks since mom died.

I was still mentally hiking in the stage of denial. There were no more tears left and I felt consumed by my feelings. Like the dry leaves under autumn season. However, I was never going to flourish again.

I was like an empty turtle shell left on a dessert until the heat and cold would break it into pieces. There was no middle temperature nor water to maintain it like that. It was prone to shatter at any moment.

Sophie's silhouette came into view as she leaned on the edge of the door frame. She stared at me with those sad, worried eyes. I needed no pity, but I couldn't bring myself to talk. It was as if my voice box was taken away that same night.

My dying body refused to move. All I did was stare at her waiting for her announcement to be said.

She smiled. "Go to bade, baby. We have to be on the airport in a few hours."

Sophie knew me so well she didn't wait for a reply. Not that I was going to say anything. She walked up to me, knelt then kissed my forehead before leaving me to mourn some more.

After I gathered myself a little, I cleaned myself. It was obvious I was in pain. I studied myself in the bathroom's mirror, not bothering at all about the dark eye bags that stained my already pale face.

My collar bone was more evident than before and my face was longer and cheekless. I groaned at the weariness of my body. It felt as if I've never left the bed since her departure. My eyes felt dry and heavy asking for more time to rest.

It was the idea of seeing my dad that had my heart pounding. He called me every night, but I almost never replied to any of his questions. I just heard him ramble about how excited he was to see me. That despite we hadn't been close before, he promised he'd be a better dad. I never complained but deep inside was happy that he was willing to do that for me.

I opened my bathroom's door and was met by Sophie pulling down my luggages with such force as if I was taking my entire closet of shoes. Not that I wasn't thinking of it, but anything that reminded me of Rihanna was purposely left behind to help me heal.

She smiled again, closing my door after she left. I stood by the door gazing at the entire mess my room was. It was so different. Totally not me. Clothing dispersed on every available space. Thanks to Sophie there weren't open cans of drinks nor untouched trays of food.

"Tell me when you are ready so I can clean your mess," Sophie added from downstairs. Her voice slowly muted as she opened the door to take my luggage to the car.

I hurried into my knee-length, black dress followed by my favorite boots. My hair remained lose —my auburn, long curls dribbling.

I took my back pack that had my important stuff, and headed downstairs. It was heartbreaking to leave the place I've grown so much to love. It wasn't like summer anymore, promising to come back with more energy to compose more piano ballads with mom.

"Ana! We have one hour to make it to the airport." I heard Sophie's voice as she entered.

I didn't answer as I walked around like a programmed zombie. It was the last glimpse of what my life used to be. I studied every single detail, soaking as much memories I could.

I heard my room's door open and Sophie asking if I was in. She sighed when I didn't answer and decided to leave it like that.

I made my last stop to our favorite room. My beautiful piano, untouched since our last practice. It cried as I kissed it goodbye. It was impossible to touch it without emotions flowing like a broken pipe.

Forbidden: Since First Sight [COMPLETED] ✅ (Book One of the Forbidden series)Where stories live. Discover now