15.0| Tricks

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Chapter Fifteen

My curtains were moved to block the sunlight poking to rain on my face. I half smiled with the thought of Devon doing something sweet for me, like trying to block the light. Neither of the ideas bothered me at all, but this small gesture was able send my heart down the stairs where two familiar laughter made its way to my ears.   

I sat upright recalling the memorable night we shared. The idea of him being caught here with me stained the happiness, though. I strolled to the window and caught sight of his rodeo. I heaved a sigh of relief noticing he did went home to make things less dramatic than having to explain his presence in my room all night. Not that anything happened but it would be awkward to receive a parental advice from Billy.

On my way to the door, I caught glimpse of my horrendous morning appearance on my mirror stapled to the corner. My tongue ran dry at the idea of him looking at me in this horrible state. Without hesitation, I retrieved my destination to the bathroom.

Naturally I would have taken twenty minutes or even more, but the excitement I tried to withhold from Devon being downstairs, was winning over me. Again his melodious laughter filled the entire house followed by my dad's. While I changed into a pair of jeans, a macaroni strap blouse and a kimono over I wondered what all they talked about.

With all the questions we asked each other last night, I forgot to ask him about this. Mesmerized by his azure, grey eyes isn't an easy task to deal with. Even with the lights off, he had the power to do many things to me.

For example, his laughter although low erupted butterflies in me. The idea of being the cause of it made me feel more than special.

And what can I say with his scent?

It was a definite plus to push away my nightmares. Not that they were constant, but spontaneous ones are a lot scarier.

"Good morning," I offered to everyone sitting in the stools, while I knotted half of my hair in a messy bun.

"Good morning, sweetie." My dad replied cleaning a tear from the corner of his eyes.

He did enjoyed Devon's company.

"Good morning, Ana." Devon turned to me, his eyes scanning my body top to bottom making me aware of the way I dressed.

Was it too much? His beautiful eyes were a little lighter and now full of life. My stomach knotted at the idea of only me being the cause of his bliss. I wanted to jump in excitement but held onto it.

Devon shook his head lightly, a grin appearing on his lips. My eyes widened when it downed that he could hear my thoughts. I blushed as I walked to the coffee maker to get some for me. I sniffed it, inhaling the delicious scent of strong coffee.

"Oh Ana..." My dad sipped his liquid, his eyes glued to me.

It was a miracle he didn't had his newspaper anywhere close. Another surprise. He always had one close or is reading it during breakfast. A routine I have grown to know. Maya sat silently beside him, playing with her breakfast.

There was something definitely wrong with her. I gulped the idea together with my coffee.

"Huh?" I asked turning my eyes from her to dad.

"Devon here asked permission to take you out. I like him," he smiled shrugging, "So I told him okay. If it's no problem with you, I mean. If you are okay with it."

I bit my tongue and held back the urge to roll my eyes at him. Why wouldn't I want to spend time with Devon. He obviously said it to embarrass me.

"I would love to dad. Why wouldn't I?" I settled my cup on the counter and crossed my arms.

Forbidden: Since First Sight [COMPLETED] ✅ (Book One of the Forbidden series)Where stories live. Discover now