Be Mine, Harry Styles

Start from the beginning

She came back after a few brief minutes with a tub of cookies 'n' cream ice cream.

I raise an eyebrow. "What's that for?"

She plops next to me again. "I thought you could use it. What are we watching?"

I can't hide a grin as my best friend opens the ice cream tub and hands me a spoon. "Lilo and Stitch."

"I love this movie!" Jessica screamed, making me jump. "What part are you at?!"

I laugh. "You can start it over. I'm going to go call Harry."

"Mm. Good idea. I don't know why I didn't think about that." she shoved a huge spoonful of ice cream in to her mouth as she reached for the remote, and I left the living room and went down the hall to my own room.

Shutting the door behind me, I glanced at the One Direction posters on my wall. I sighed, and pulled out my phone to call Harry. My hands were shaking as pulled up his contact.

Why am I so nervous? I spent a week with him. According to Jessica, he likes me. He likes me... Why can't I just believe it? He told me that he fell for me. He might really like me... No, I refuse to believe it. Why would he like me? There's no way he likes me. He can't like me.

I can't get hurt again.

There's only one problem... I think I'm in love with him. It was already established that I fell for him, but I think I might feel more for him.

I clicked the "call" button, and I pressed the phone up against my ear to listen to the steady ringing.

Riiing. Riiing. Riiing.

He probably won't pick up; he's probably busy with some kind of interview or something like that.

"Hello?" A husky voice answered, making my heart skip a beat.

"Um, hey... Harry?" I knew it was Harry. I could tell his voice anywhere.

"Charlotte! How are you?" I could practically hear the sweet smile in his voice, and I grinned.

"I'm good... How're you? How was your show?"

"It was good."


We both fell silent. I know the silence was only for a few moments, but it felt like hours.

"I miss you, though." He finally broke the silence, making me want to start crying.

I took a deep breath before saying anything, blinking away tears in my eyes. "I miss you, too." I swallowed hard.

"When can I see your face?" his tone got a bit lighter, making it easier to respond to him without crying.

"When can I see yours?"

"Well, you probably have posters of me in your room so..."

"Shut up!" I laughed in embarrassment at the truth in his statement. "I was a fangirl. I couldn't help it."

He laughed, and I smiled at the sound of it. I could get high off of his laugh, "I'm glad you're a fan. Now I can say that I'm dating a fan."

I chuckled a bit coldly, "Correction, you went on a date with a fan." There was silence at the other end of the phone, and I wondered if I said the wrong thing. I didn't regret it, though. I wanted to get a reaction out of him.

"Ok, I know this might sound a bit cheesy... But I can't stop thinking about you."

Well, i got the reaction I wanted. My heart stopped at his words. Literally, I think it stopped. But then it started pounding loudly in my ears, so apparently it restarted itself. I hoped he couldn't hear it through the phone.

"Oh..." I said awkwardly, waiting to see if he would say anything else.

He did. "Louis said that I should try to let you go, but I don't think I can. I know it's only been a day..." he trailed off, and I had to hold on tightly to the edge of my bed so that I wouldn't fall down. "but I don't want to let you go. I don't want to even try. I know it would be pointless, because I can't get you off of my mind. This might be close to impossible, but is there any way we can make this work?" He hesitated, and I held my breath. "I mean... Could you not see any other guys? Just me...?"

My breathing hitched as his words sunk in... What was he trying to say? I didn't want to jump to conclusions or anything but I needed to know what he wants from me. "What are you trying to say?" I asked before I had time to hesitate. Sometimes talking to Harry was like ripping off a band aid.

"I don't actually know." he chuckled softly. "Just... Be mine."

"I'd love to." I smiled at him, although he couldn't see me.

"Good. I'm sorry but I have to go, we're about to head off to an interview... Or something."

"Ok, bye." I was smiling so big that it hurt at this point, but I couldn't stop.

"Bye, Charlotte."

The phone clicked, leaving me feeling numb.

He didn't forget me.

Happiness and warmth ran through my veins, and I laughed uncontrollably and fell back on my bed. I lay staring at the ceiling, still laughed at absolutely nothing. My breath shaking, and I had to restrain myself from singing and screaming at the top of my lungs. This was a great feeling; one that I seem to get when I'm around Harry. This feeling was only slightly different from the feelings I had during my week with One Direction, though. The feeling I had was happiness, joy, giddiness, excitement, but it was all mixed with...relief. Relief that Harry hadn't forgotten me. Relief that Harry might actually like me the way I like him. Relief that life might not be all bad the way I thought it was.

"Charlotte?" Jessica burst through my door with an confused expression on her face. She must've heard my laughing... "What's going on?"

I was laying on my bed giggling like a crazy person, and I continued to stare at the ceiling. She probably thought I was mad, but it didn't matter to me. I closed my eyes to better take in the situation, as I took a deep breath and filled my lungs with the cool air in my room. I exhale, finally looking over at a confused, yet amused Jessica. "I talked to Harry."

She chuckled and sat on the bed next to me. "No way. I never would've guessed." she said sarcastically, but I ignored her.

"I feel like my heart is about to burst. It's full of rainbows and butterflies." I sigh happily, shutting my eyes again. Jessica's loud laugh rang out through my ears. Whatever. She's seen me in weirder moods.

"What did Harry say to you?" She was cackling at me now, and I exhaled loudly; the smile never leaving my face.

"He asked me to be his."

"Wait, his?! What does that mean?" She laughed again, but this time out of happiness for me.

I shrugged one shoulder in response. "I don't know. Just his."

"Awww!" she scooted closer to me on my bed, putting her face a few feet from mine since I was still gazing at the ceiling. "That's so sweet... Aw, Char!" she squealed for me, joining in my delight. "That's amazing." she nodded her head as she spoke.

"You we're right, Jess. He did like me."

She sat up and crossed her legs on my bed. "Jessica's always right."

Author's Note: Hey lovelies! Sorry I haven't been updating much, I've been ridiculously busy! But I'm going to be updating more! Comment, vote, or message me! Love you all! Xx

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