Quake screamed. It was painful, excruciating even. All the power was being drained from his body. It was only for a few seconds, but to him, it felt like hours.

Boboiboy let his arm go, satisfied. Quake was immobile. He couldn't move. He was too weak to. Thunderstorm dashed in and got Quake out of the line of fire.

Cyclone and Blaze both launched ranged attacks at their deranged big brother. He didn't bother to dodge. But just as they hit him, Boboiboy's watch activated. He punched the ground in front of him and he created a barrier to shield himself.

The fire and air collided with the earth barrier, and Boboiboy was unharmed.

"Dammit!" Cyclone cursed.

Quake was too weak to even tell him off at this point.

Blaze growled. "What is wrong with him?"

Boboiboy grinned darkly. He punched the ground once more, and the ground beneath them trembled. Thunderstorm moved Quake on his shoulder and evacuated his brothers in lightning speed. The only after-effects of the efficient movements were the statics and the hair.

They watched as the ground broke open, revealing a black golem with red veins coursing through its body. It was the size of five houses, easily towering over the seven.

"Isn't – isn't that Quaky's power?" Thorn yelped. "Can big brother do that?"

Thunderstorm scowled. He knew Boboiboy's powers because he had trained with him in the past. "He can't. Something's wrong here."

"That thing is HUGE!" Blaze stated the obvious.

"How are we going to beat it?" Solar demanded. "We haven't fought anything as large of a scale like this!"

Ice.exe has stopped working. Please try again later.

Thunderstorm cursed in multiple languages. Quake was down, Boboiboy is insane, and he's the only one who can act as a leader at this point. Because we all know what's going to happen if Cyclone does.

"I'll get Quake to safety. Cyclone, try to take out Boboiboy. The rest of you, keep your distance!" Thunderstorm dashed off to the nearest remote location where the rest of the students were at. At least there Quake won't randomly stumble into the ocean for no apparent reason.

"When did you get here?" The asshole in Thunderstorm's class demanded. Her name was Zu, and she's really annoying and hates everyone. "What the fuck happened to him? What'd you do? Rape him too hard?"

Thunderstorm ignored her. "Get everyone off the island in a few minutes because shit is going to get ugly."

He dashed off.

He didn't ask why a girl shorter than him was able to carry Quake.

Shizuko inhaled deeply and groaned. Why was she wrapped up in their shenanigans again? Can they please oh please just fuck off and not come back into her life?

With a dramatic sigh, she barked at the teachers to get Quake medical help.

Unfortunately, that feat attracted fangirls. They all wanted to bring him to the teachers, and Shizuko would be happy to let him be smothered by a bunch of people he doesn't know, but because she's such a nice person, she dropped him on one of the stretchers and wandered off to god knows where.

Thunderstorm arrived at the battle. Thorn and Solar tried to restrain Boboiboy. Ice tried to fight both sides, as he froze both the golem and Boboiboy's footing. Cyclone came in hot from the sky, dropping Blaze onto the golem like a missile.

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