❄️ 1 ❄️ The Book ❄️

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1 ❄️ The Book

Southwark, England
The Appleton Manor For Girls
Monday, January 03, 2007

Wren Alba awoke to a thin sliver of grayish sunlight pouring in between a small crack in the heavy ice blue drapes of the large bay window of her bedroom and across her face. She groaned in sleepy annoyance and rolled over onto her stomach, pulling one of the fluffy, white pillows piled at the head of her bed over her head as she went. Her annoying alarm clock went off just as she was drifting back into unconsciousness, jerking her back into reality.

Heaving a loud sigh, Wren removed the pillow from her head and sat up, running her fingers through her messy ice blonde hair. She reached over to one of the dark wooden bedside tables and hit the snooze button, cutting the airman off in the middle of his boring speech on politics. Wren threw off the fluffy bedspread that matched the drapes and slid out of bed, stifling a huge yawn.

As Wren started across the dark wooden floor, the bedroom door flew open suddenly, startling her near to death and setting her heartbeat to thumping painfully in her throat. Two fiery, red-haired fairies whirled into the room, one squealing nonstop.

"Good morning, Snow White!" Bellamy Hawthorne squealed as she embraced her big "sister" around the middle.

"Good morning, Bell." Wren greeted her back, rolling her ice blue eyes at the old nickname and patting her little "sister" gently on the back.

The fifteen-year-old girl stepped back to grin up at her. Wren groaned loudly upon seeing the excited look on her face.

"Go ahead, Bell." she consented reluctantly to her evil little schemes. "Just don't go overboard."

Bell squealed loudly again and clapped her hands excitedly, bouncing on the balls of her feet.

"Thank you, Snow White!" she gushed happily. "You won't regret this, I promise!"

And with that said, Bell flitted into Wren's walk-in closet to grab her school uniform. Wren groaned again as Briar Hawthorne, Bell's identical twin sister, shook her head as she eyed her big sister sadly.

"You do not fully comprehend what you have just gotten yourself into," she said sadly as if she could sense the older girl's aggravation.

Wren sighed heavily in defeat, silently agreeing with her, and stomped into the bathroom. Briar was, as always, right. Sometimes, when she'd agree to Bell dressing her, the poor little thing always went overboard. Over the past fifteen years that she had lived at Appleton Manor, little Bellamy Hawthorne had been obsessed with fashion and clothing lines. Bell ate, breathed, and slept fashion. She would follow any fashion designer that caught her interest.

Currently, two designers were Bell's top two favorites: Mary Alice Brandon, the creator of SPARKLING PIXIE, and Renesmee Masen Black, the creator of UNIQUE HYBRID. Wren had to admit that the clothing that Mary Alice and Renesmee created was different, rather mysterious, almost otherworldly. She shook those disturbing thoughts from her mind as she turned on the shower. She adjusted the water to her liking and began to undress. Wren stepped into the shower, feeling her body warming, her senses awakening, and her mind clearing.

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