Chapter 17 {Unedited}

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I wake up to the sound and smell of eggs and bacon. I take a shower and put on black shorts, and a white crop top that says hope in gold letters. And put on my white Chuck Taylor's.

"Dad how many times do I have to tell you I can cook my own food." I say as I walk into the kitchen.

"And I will keep telling you that you won't cook if you don't have to." He says. We've done this since day 1 of me living here.

"Whatever. Erik should be here in 3, 2, 1." Then there's a knock at the door.

"Are you sidekick?"

"Nope just know my boyfriend." Then he knocks again.

"You going to get that? I'm busy cooking." My dad says. I walk over and open the door.

"Hey Erik! Come in, my dad's making eggs and bacon if your hungry." I say.

"I'm always hungry babe." He says smirking.

"Just come on and eat you doof." I say rolling my eyes.

"I may be a doof, but I'm your doof." He says stopping and turning around. He wraps his arms around my waist and pulls me flush with his chest.

"Damn right your my doof." I say and kiss him.

"And your my girl." He says and kisses me. This time we just keep kissing.

Erik's POV****

I love that I can kiss her whenever I want for however long I want. She's perfect to me and I only whether she's safe and happy. I love everything about her.

"So you two hungry or are you okay?" Mr. Bradford said making pull away to laugh.

"I'm always hungry." I say.

"Well then let's eat!" Linz says racing toward the kitchen.

Mr. Bradford and I walk to the kitchen. We all eat and then Linz and I have to go to school.

When we get to school we get our schedules and all that school shit. We have every class together. We head to first period which is reading.

"Oh my god! My old school didn't have this many books!" Linz exclaims.

"I can't believe you like books this much." I say.

"You wouldn't understand why if I told you." She says.

"Try me." I challenge her.

"Well when I read it's like I'm part of it. Like reality is the story and I know what they feel, see, hear, smell, and taste. It's weird I know." She says. I do understand what she's talking about I just don't want to say I do but I do anyway.

"I get it. I really do. Believe it or not I do read." I say.

We surrvie the morning and go to lunch. It wasn't too bad. I mean I knew everything they taught but it still was't too bad. We go through the rest of the day. It's finally 8th period and I havn't died so maybe I can do this whole school thing.

"Linz!" I whisper shout to her when th teacher isn't paying attention.

"What?" She wispers back looking a little annoyed which is adorable.

"We are going out after school." I say not giving her a choice.

"Fine." She says and we both face the front again.

I'm taking her jet sking then surfing. She's told me has never done either of thoughs things and that has to change, and soon.

*****Hey so sorry this is up so late I got back from a 11 hour drive and then ate, and watched tv so here is the update. I hope you guys liked this chaper even though it's short.




The bad boy and me (MAJOR EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now