thruth or dare

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Beca's pov.

The bellas wanted to get drunk today. No suprise there to be honest. It's a saterday evening after all. But they wanted to stay in the bellas house this time. That's what suprised me. Normally they would go out and party there, but not this time. I'm okay with it tho. It means that i can escape anytime that i want.

"Yo shortstack! Come here. We're gonna play thruth or dare!" fat amy says.

I sigh and drain my cup. I'm a bit tipsy already so i decide to play the game. I sit down on the couch and chloe sits down next to me. She doesn't even look tipsy. To be honest, i don't think that she even drinked any alcohol.

"Alright! Here are the rules. No skipping dares or questions! You can't dare someone to do something extremly dangerous or that will get them in trouble." stacie says.

"Alright, let's start!" CR yells.

I look to my right and smile at chloe. Damn, her eyes are beautifull. She's beautifull. I've had a crush on her ever since i first saw her. And it only grew the more i hanged out with her. Chloe looks at me and smiles.

"It's your turn." she says.

I look around and see stacie smirking at me.

"Why were you staring, captain?" stacie asks me.

I glare at her and blush. 

"Shut up. I choose dare." i say.

Stacie thinks for a moment and then smiles.

"You need to call aubrey and thank her because without her you wouldn't have met chloe. And you need to put it on speaker." stacie says.

I groan and call aubrey.

"It's almost midnight. Is there something wrong?"

Aubrey asks. After our first win we became good friends. We care about eachother.

"Uuh, hey aubrey. I just wanted to thank you." i say.

I'm a bit tipsy so i slurr my words a bit.

"Thank me? For what?" aubrey asks.

"Without you i would have never met chloe. Thank you for bringing her into my life." i say.

"Beca? Are you okay? It sounds like you are drunk. I thought that i told you to stop drinking? Are you alone again? You should stop drinking while the others are out off the house. It has already happend six times this month! And those are just the ones that i know off." aubrey says.

My eyes widen. And i hang up.

"Hold on. You have been getting drunk when we are out of the house?" stacie asks.

I shrug.

"Why? Why are you drinking when you are alone? Do you know how dangerous that could be?!" chloe says.

I avoid looking at them and stand up.

"I'm tired. I'm going to bed." i say.

I walk upstairs and lay down on my bed. The only reason why i drink is because i want to forget about my feelings for chloe. She will never love me like that. I sometimes think too much about it and then i mostley get drunk. I call aubrey then and cry while she comforts me through the phone. She keeps saying that chloe does love me but i don't beleive it. A tear rolls down my face and i close my eyes with a sigh. I feel the bed dip behind me and feel someone wipe the tear away. I open my eyes and look at chloe. She looks concerned and rubs my back.

"What's going on with you, becs? Getting drunk on your own? What's bothering you?" chloe asks.

I shrug a bit and lay on my back.

"Come here." chloe says.

She opens her arms and i climb on her lap. She holds me close while i cuddle into her.

"Tell me what's bothering you, sweetie." chloe says.

I sigh and nod.

"Well, there is this person that i really like. I think about them every single moment off the day and even dream about them. I just wish that they could love me back, but i know that they wont." i say.

I feel chloe holding me tighter.

"Who is this person?" chloe asks. I look into her eyes.

"It's you." i say.

Chloe her eyes widen and i jump away from her.

"I'm sorry! I shouldn't have said that. I just really like you and i-"

chloe interupts me by kissing me.

"It's okay. I like you aswell. In fact, i even love you." chloe says.

I blush a bit and smile.

"Really?" i ask her.

Chloe nods and kisses me again.


"And that's how mommy and i got together." i say to my oldest daughter.

She smiles at me.

"That's cute. Maybe i should ask aunt stacie to help me get a boy or girlfriend? It's basicly because of her dare that you and mommy got together. I'm sure that she can set me up with someone." kathy, my oldest daughter says.

My eyes widen and i shake my head.

"Ohw god no. You are only fourteen. You will not ask your aunt stacie or any aunt to set you up with someone. Now go help mommy in the kitchen while i'll go and wake your baby brother up." i say.

Kathy smiles and runs off to the kitchen. I shake my head with an amused smile. Kids these days.

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