we are your family

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Beca has a lot on her mind. She has been thinking for quite some time. Ever since aubrey graduated (chloe failed her year.) and beca got the pitch pipe it went down hill. Had it anything to do with her two friends? Well, aubrey has absolutly nothing to do with it. And chloe is on her mind, but she isn't sad because off that. She's sad because off her dad and the rest of her family. They pretty much disowned her after she came out. It was on the day that jesse tried to kiss her. She was gay and told him lot's of times! Apperently he thought that she was just playing hard to get. He is one off the stupidest boys that she knows. She had a family dinner that day and her dad asked why she didn't kiss the boy back. She wasn't really thinking and came out to ger family. Her dad doesn't give her money anymore and she has to work a lot to get some food to eat.

Beca's pov.

I just got back from my long shift at the radio station. It started at nine am and ended just now at eight pm. I had a break at twelve pm tho. I open the front door of the bella's house with a sigh.

"There you are! Where were you?" stacie asks me with a smile.

I put my bag down and look at her.

"I was working." i told her.

I made twenty dollars by working a full day in the radio station. It's not much at all.

"Working on a saterday? And a full day? Why?" stacie asks me.

I roll my eyes and sit down in a chair at the kitchen table.

"Some people need money." i say.

I put my head on the cold kitchen table and close my eyes. I could fall asleep here. I hear stacie talking to me but i can't understand what she is saying. I'm just so tired.

I groan when someone shakes my shoulder.

"Mmm, go 'way." i mumble.

"Come one becs. Wake up. You have been sleeping on the kitchen table for about thirty minutes." chloe says.

I open my eyes and sit up.

"I fell asleep?" i ask chloe.

Chloe looks concerned and nods.

"You were talking to stacie and then suddenly fell asleep. Let's go to the living room. The others are there already. We want to talk to you." chloe says.

I am confused. Why do they need to talk to me? I'm way to tired to think about it so i follow chloe to the living room. Chloe takes my arm when i start to sway on my feet.

"Carefull becs. Are you okay?" chloe asks.

I look at her and nod.

"Y-yeah. I'm fine. Don't worry." i say.

Chloe smiles a little but doesn't let go of my arm. The girls look concerned when they see chloe helping me to the couch. She sits down next to me and i sigh.

"What is it that you nerds wanted to talk to me about?" i ask.

Stacie stands up.

"Something is up with you. Ever since you came back from summmer vacation, you have been acting weird. You eat less and work more. You stay awake longer to finish papers and you haven't mixed in at least two weeks! You used to make mixes everyday! What's going on?" stacie asks.

I sigh and look down. Stacie is right. I haven't touched my mixing equipment for at least two weeks. I never told them about my family and the struggles i have. Why would i? I don't want to burden them with my problems.

"We wan't to help you, but we need to know how. What's going on?" chloe asks.

"Too much. Too much is going on. I'm working too much at the radio station and i don't even get a lot of money from that. I stay awake most nights to finish some paper of to study for a test. I probably only slept two hours yesterday. Then there is school and bella rehearsels. I love it but they are exhausting. I didn't have time to even look at my mixing equipment. I'm always doing something. I even work saterday and sunday in a cafe close to campus. I'm almost never free." i say with a sigh.

"Then why don't you take a break from working? It can't be healty what you are doing right now." jessica says.

I look up at her and shake my head.

"I can't. I need the money." i say.

Chloe puts her hand on my knee and i look at her.

"Are you saving up for something? I'm sure that it can wait a few more weeks." chloe says.

I shake my head and stand up.

"It can't wait! I need the money now. I need it to pay college for next year. If i don't have the money then i can't come back next year." i say.

"What do you mean? I thought that you didn't have to pay because of your dad?" ashley asks.

I sit down again and tell them what happend with my family. I told them how i was struggeling with money and how i miss my family.

"We are your family now becs. And we won't leave you because of who you like." chloe says.

"Hey shortstack! Did you tell chloe how you feel about her yet?" fat amy suddenly asks.

My eyes widen and i look at her.

"Ohw, i read your diary. I would have guessed that your diary was black but suprisingly it's light blue." she says.

I blush and avoid eye contact with chloe.

"I know why it is blue! Look at chloe her eyes!" stacie says.

I glare at her while the others laugh.

"Beca?" i hear chloe ask.

I turn around slowly and look at her.

"Is it true? Do you like me?" she asks me.

I blush.

"Uhm, i guess i do. I never told you because i thought that it would ruin our friendship." i say.

Chlo smiles and shakes her head.

"It wouldn't have." she says and then leans in to kiss me.

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