blind love part 2

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Chloe's pov.

The doctor leads me to beca's room and stops at her door.

"This is her room. Now, please stay as calm as possible and don't show her you are distressed. I have a feeling that if she notices you crying that she will want to move. She absolutly can't move, okay?" the doctor tells me.

I nod.

"I'll make sure to keep my emotions in check and that she doesn't move. I got it! Can i please go in to see her now?" i ask him.

He nods and opens the door for me. When i walk in the room he closes the door behind me. The curtains are open and the sun is setting.

"Chloe? Is that you?" i hear beca ask.

I walk towards the bed and then i see beca. She looks better then she did when she was brought in. I smile at her but she doesn't return it. She doesn't even look at me.

"Hey honey. How are you?" i ask her.

I carefully sit down on the bed and take her hand.

"I'm okay. Could be better. Uuhm, chloe?" beca asks.

I nod.

"Yeah?" i say.

Beca looks nervous.

"I uuh, kinda can't see." beca says.

Uuuh what?

"You kinda can't see? What do you mean? Like, you need glasses?" i ask her.

So what if she needs glasses. She's beautifull anyway. Glasses won't change that.

"Chlo, i'm afraid that glasses won't help me. I can't see anything. I'm blind chlo."

Beca's pov.

I frown when i don't hear chloe saying something. I know that she's still here because i can feel her sitting on the bed and she's stil holding my hand.

"Chlo? Are you okay?" i ask her.

Suddenly i feel her move and i sit up in a panick when she gets up from the bed and drops my hand.

"Chlo!?" i ask in a panicked voice.

Then i suddenly feel arms around me. It took me a second to realise that she didn't leave but she got up to hug me.

"My poor baby. Why you? Why did it have to be you?" chloe asks.

I hug her back.

"It's okay chlo. It might not be forever. The doctor said that it could be for a short while. Of course i'll need glasses after that but it will get better." i say in a soothing voice.

I know, i know. Normally chloe should be the one calming me down seeing as i am the one who lost their vision, but chloe has always been the emotional one out of the two of us.

"But, what if it doesn't? What if it doesn't get better? What if you lost your sight forever?" chloe asks me.

I sigh.

"Would you love me less if that would happen?" i ask her.

I feel chloe shaking her head.

"Of course not! I would never love you less! I love you so much!" chloe says.

I smile.

"I love you too chloe. And your love is the only thing i need. I'm fine with losing my sight as long as you are here with me." i say.

I feel chloe holding me even thighter.

"That was so fucking adorable mitchell." chloe says.

"You mean, soon to be beale-mitchell." i say with a grin.

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