Chapter 8

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Sabrina's POV

I woke up and saw Dinah asleep next to me and I smiled to myself remembering what happened yesterday. I slowly got up and went to use the bathroom, shower, brush my teeth, and washed my face. I went to get something to eat when I saw Jason on the floor crying. "Hey honey what's wrong", I said worried. He showed me his hand and it was bleeding and kinda looked broken. "oh shit", I said. I wanted to take him to the hospital so I went to go wake Dinah up cause I couldn't drive myself. She got up and I told her what happened so she got dressed as fast as she could and we went to the hospital.

               Group Chat

Camila: has anyone seen Sabrina, Dinah, and Jason

Normani: no but I think Dinah and Sabrina went to a hotel to go fuck and Jason might be trying to to scare you

Lauren: lmao 'Jason might be trying to scare you' Jason is scary if you know what I'm referring to 😂

Ally: lol 😂

Normani: haha

Camila: I don't get it 😐

Dinah: you don't get anything 😒

Normani: wow Dinah, why so rude

Lauren: where you at Dinah

Dinah: hospital

Ally: did Sabrina break her leg 😦

Dinah: no just a clumsy little kid

Camila: is he ok? what happened? I'm worried 😫

Dinah: he broke his hand because he was trying to get popcorn but fell off the counter hand first

Camila: what hospital y'all at? I'm coming

Sabrina: no stay we will be back in 10 mins their just wrapping up his hand now

Normani: why didn't you tell us from the beginning Dinah

Dinah: because Sabrina kicked me out and made me wait in the waiting room so idk what's goin on

Ally: then stop getting on her nerves

Sabrina: Ally can you answer my message because I sent it to you like 20 mins ago

Ally: I was sleep ok, sorry  

         Sabrina and Ally

Sabrina: do you like me

Ally: yes ofc your my friend

Sabrina: you know what I mean Ally

Ally: ok maybe I do so what

Sabrina: so we're just going to let Dinah think it was a plan because it really wasn't. 1- I don't even like her 2- she isn't my type 3- I don't even know her 4- I like you Ally, your my type

Ally: no I can't do that to Troy and Dinah she's my friend and Troy and I are getting married also if she isn't your type then stop turning her on

Sabrina: ok sorry

Ally: you are a great kisser tho

Sabrina: yeah I get that a lot

Ally: a lot?!

Sabrina: lol jk

Ally: oh lol

Sabrina: I gtg ttyl

Ally: ok bye

                Group Chat

Lauren: I wonder what Sabrina and Ally are texting about

Normani: yup its going to be a long mystery because you know they don't and won't tell us shit


Normani: whatever

Sabrina: who said we won't tell y'all tho

Camila: so y'all will

Lauren: I'm jealous

Camila: come cuddle with me lolo

Lauren: ok, bye suckers

Dinah: Sabrina

Sabrina: yes

Dinah: will you be my gf...

Sabrina: Dinah I can't...

Dinah: its ok I understand your just playing with my feelings acting like you love me but don't

Sabrina: no its not like that

Dinah: oh really because I think it is

Normani: damn

Ally: Troy dumped me when I said no to the marriage so Sabrina and I are dating cause I promised her when Troy and I break up we'll date and the plan we were talking about was fake. Dinah I'm so sorry I really am

Sabrina: you never told me Troy dumped you...

Well that's it for this chapter. Until Next Time wait I'm gonna shortin until next time to UNT so UNT

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