Need to get some stuff off my chest(Skippable A/N)

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This is a skipable A/N. If you don't want to read it's your decision. Btw there are topics that may be sensitive. Read at your own discretion.
I apologize if I sound salty.

So, for those who don't know I have another story called Uniquely Normal (UN) and had included the "collab" with Tyleko and Dani. I was allowed to use their characters and able to take them out whenever I pleased. And I did for a character. So Tyleko you may be wanting an explanation since I had already removed him and I'm doing updates to this story about Garrett of Narsia- one of My actual Ocs- as well.

First thing's first. I removed Tyleko because of the fact that he had expressively did a stupid and said something he shouldn't say to me- who is uncomfortable with certain topics. I was uncomfortable and removed him for the sake of not wanting that feeling to reoccur during my writing. He can get pissed, he can question me, but I'll write it here. Speaking isn't a good karma for me at times.

Garrett looks a little bit like him, but doesn't actually act like Tyleko, but he has tried to implement Ideas i dealt with but never did cause they didn't actually fit in with my theme. He has done the same with UN as well. Dani and I have talked about this and they understand why.

I honestly don't mind ideas but they were changing too much of my theme. Also, when he talks about my stories he always asked "When will we see Garrett again" or "Where's Tyleko?" Which is understandable, but repeated. So I am saying this here.

Garrett Svhal of Narsia is just a pop character. Not a side villain, not a main threat, nothing else than a character slot in this story. I may make him more involved but right now he isn't an important character. To me I will always see Garrett as a cool Oc I made.

Tyleko has been removed because of what I said above. And that he was just too confusing to deal with when doing dialogue or just implementing him in general. You kept changing him. I was not going to repeatedly change chapters cause you change his personality.

I know that Announcement are annoying and you don't want to read me ranting or talking about updates or whatever, but I had to get it off my back since I was annoyed with the situation I was put in.

On another note

I am the Author of my stories, Spellbound and Uniquely Normal are my way of relieving stress. I express myself through my persona and let her live a happy life and one of adventure so then when I re-read them I can put a miniscule smile on my face.

I Dont mind criticism, I honestly don't as long as it's in a positive(other Authors should know what im meaning) format. And I don't mind if you don't like my stories. But if you don't like them them don't actively comment hate. I've noticed that people who work hard on their stories get a ton of bad feedback because one or two people make a hateful comment.

Guys. If you have nothing nice to say to someone don't say it at all. We are human and we have human emotion. So think about what you say and how it could effect you if you were the one who got that hateful message.
And don't thing "oh well it's not me getting it" because it can be you getting that message.

Please don't say stuff about "Right to free speech" or "We can say what we want" Because:
A} Yeah, you do have the right to free speech but you still need to be mindful of how others feel or will feel.
B} Again, Yes but you can actually harm someone emotionally or cause them to do depressing things.

Hateful comments can start a butterfly effect and drag it all the way to someone being suicidal because of the way they're treated or by the hate they receive. That's probably why a lot of people are depressed now in 2018 almost 2019.

People don't know when to shut up. And they should know because it could actually harm another person. We live in a world of Corruption, hypocrisy, Sexism, Racism, Egotistic, and a shit TON of other things wrong with us. I myself am not an exception. We need to learn to care for one another even if you don't like them.

If you don't like someone then either find out why, or maybe stay away from the person to avoid conflict. But still maybe worry, be concerned about someone if they seem sad or angry. Maybe see what's wrong and Listen to them. We all have our dark days and we should try to help each other back into the light. So then we can actually laugh purely, smile truly, and care honestly.

So I just spent my sick morning doing this. And if you don't like what I have to say then that's not my fault you read this. It says its skippable for a reason. I may have made the chapter but it's you who reads it.

Anyway I hope you all have a fantastic day and I'll see you soon.


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