Fallen Angels

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I will be making at least 2 stories a week. Im very busy with school and being in color guard (flag twirlers -hard-) aswell as band and being a Band Booster. Sorry for that ramble!!

Back to our story!

Night had started to set, the stars lighting up the night sky. It had been a full year since Sindria was finally named as a real Country, and a full year of paperwork and more dungeon capturing of course, and as for Sinbad, Aurora got some dungeons aswell "Are you going easy on me!?" Aurora mocked as she saw him yawn. He then smirked and said using Bal's Djinn equip "Maybe" he chuckled "want me to step it up? You need to have your A game on" he stretched his arm and clasped his weapon, she smiled. The whole time she was fighting without a Djinn equip, she poised herself and said while an eight pointed star rune appeared at her feet "The heavens and hell, bring me your strength and take me to my truest form. Aurora's Light" then a cloak of white and some feathers twirled around her like a dance and transformed her to Stage 2 of her equips (Cause apparently my old self said she has 5 before goddess tier)

"I won't hold back" he said and darted towards her, but almost faltered 'I can't read her waves!' He thought and she darted up and the two fought almost like a dance. She staggered back after he swiftly tried a blow to the neck, they both flew up and continued their battle in the clouds, he used 80% of his power because he was starting to tire out, but after he nearly fell back, she had grabbed a second Rapier from the petals that appeared from thin air, she placed the dull end of the blade across his back and the other at his throat, both of them panting and sweating from the extensive hours of battling. This time Aurora had won and Jafar, Hinahoho, Mystras, Kikiriku, and Sharkkan cheered from the sidelines, she smiled at him and said "Good Match" then her blades dissapeared into petals and she took his hand, but to her dismay she was getting extremely dizzy and light headed, he took notice and put her arm over him "You did well for our 3rd fight" she smiled and then said before blacking out "My supply is running really low, i need to rest-" then her body went limp and dripping with sweat.

He picked her up bridal style and watched her as they went to the ground, her body's equip starting to change to petals and floated away, showing him the outfit she wore on her birthday and to the agreement a few years back. "So many memories" he said as he layed her down onto the ground, the others ran over and were saying
"What happened!?"
"Sinbad what did you do!"
"Ms. Yuuki!? Oh my she's pale!"
He sighed and held a hand up to signal them to silence "Aurora Did win but she said her reserves were really low. Which was a risky move on her part. She will be okay" Rurumu smiled and said "Sin's right you Know, even if death hits her she'll bounce back 3 times as hard" she giggled and they all nodded, some chuckling "yes that's right, we forget" Jafar said. Everyone jerked behind them to hear Yunan greeting them "Hello everyone, sorry to startle you" he smile and everyone sighed, he then asked puzzled "why are you all huddled together?" Sinbad then said showing him "We had an extremely long match and she used her reserves-" "she blacked out?" Yunan asked and they nodded, he crouched over her sleeping body, seeing petals still on her

"She seems to have unlocked a new level of power during your match Sin" he said picking up petals from her hair, and they turned into rukh with a light pink end on them "how strange, but marvelous indeed" he said and the rukh that were petals went back to her body thanks to Yunan's help, the color started to come back to her but still didn't wake up for a good 5 minutes. Her eyes fluttered to see Yunan and the others over her, she took a petal from her face and it went to her body "How long was i out?" Sinbad smiled and held her up so she could sit up, she used his body to lean against and he kissed the top of her head "not long, just enough to make us worry" he chuckled. One of the maids carefully handed her a glass of herbal water to gain back her strength, she took a good few gulps of the water and sighed in relief "thank you, for helping me. And Yunan, thank you for the Rukh transfer " she said peacefully, her eyes closed but everyone turned to face him "Transfer?" They said and he replied "the petals had vessels of magoy in them so i just transfered it to her."

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