Forgotten Memories

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Heya! So just an fyi during the next few chapters you'll see Aurora acting as herself in her other world, you'll get to learn about Aurora's true passions, one of which is taking care of others, her others? Well you'll have to wait and see!

Lets get back to our Story!!

"So if I'm getting this straight, you want to me to go with you to Pheredin's Ball?" Aurora asked while signing papers, she looked up at Sinbad which was slightly different than usual since she would look down to him while he was doing papers. "Yes, since you are my partner and a representative, I thought it might be a good idea to ask you" she giggled and nodded, she pulled some of her hair away from her face and said while putting a hand to her chin, laying her arm against the table "Of course I'll go, though it'll be the first time I went as the wife of Sindria" both of them laughed slightly at her comment "Aurora, do you remember the first time we danced?" Sinbad asked, sitting down in a chair by her desk "I remember, you were my dance partner for Mystic's ball for my 16th birthday. Though you did step on my toes, as well as trip yourself to make you fall forward on me" she laughed, remembering that night like it was yesterday.

Since it was her first week since the portal testing. "You remember all of that?" He asked while looking at her giggle, she nodded ad smiled "Of course I do, it was my first (second)time meeting you!" she mumbled 'second,' -seeing that she knew him from the anime- He laughed and smiled, seeing the gleeful smile on her face as she looked back up at him

"I think it'll be nice to see another kingdom besides Sindria and Mystic" he said to her as she started to get up and pat down her slightly wrinkled dress from a few hours of paperwork. She stretched and said "On one condition, when we finish seeing Pheredin I need to go to Mystic to get my armor. As well as a few other things" she said putting a hand to her hip and holding her chin in concentrated thought. Sinbad nodded then asked "but isn't Mystic a few leagues from Pheredin?" She she nodded and said pulling out a map and pointed to the distance of Pheredin to Sindria then showed the distance of Mystic compared to Pheredin "Yes but depending on which port we're in it's actually on the way back" he nodded and saw the neko in thought, but realized something wasn't right 'did she shrink a few feet???'

After a few minutes she saw he was confused and asked "what's wrong? You look like you saw a phantom" he tilted his head and asked "When were you this petite?" She sighed and stood up straight, looking up at the man before her " Y'know, nekos only grow to a certain height before we stop growing. See, unlike regular people, nekos are usually shorter than regular people."

He laughed nervously and rubbed the back of his neck, forgetting about that got him a little embarrassed since they were partners, his cheeks tinted pink 'I forget that she isn't human, but that didn't stop her from becoming who she is today' he smiled seeing her run a hand through her light pink hair, she had worn a pastel blue silk gown that had intricate golden designs on the rim of the dress that frayed up and dispersed at her hip. along with the outfit she had left her hair down, her once hip-length hair was now starting to reach the middle of her thighs. "I can't believe it's already been a week since that spar." he said breaking the somewhat awkward silence. Aurora nodded in agreement and looked outside her office window, her once bright white markings had faded into a soft white, blending in with her skin

"Hey Sinbad, can I ask you something?" she asked, looking outside and holding a hand to her chin, resting her arm against the chair. He noticed she had a look that seemed like she was struggling to remember the most important details of her past, he walked over to her and knelt down. Intertwining his hands with her left hand "You can ask me anything, what's up?" she looked over at him and said with a remembering look in her eye " Have you ever thought that you remember someone, even though you've only met them once?" Sinbad had tilted his head in confusion, but then slowly nodded "Well, yes actually. Strangely enough it was when we were porting for ballbad. You looked like a friend I known when I was a child." he had a serious look on his face

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