Pregnant 2.0

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Mario: Pregnant!?! What you mean pregnant?

Cleo: We having a baby.

Mario looks around the room.

Mario: Who? Because I use protection.

Autumn: Well this is something.

Jenny: Yea it is. Congrats Cleo, let's see how long he sticks around.

Cleo: I was gonna tell you I swear-

Mario: WHEN? Ya know what I can't deal wit your ass right now.

Cleo: Why are u mad?

Tt: Just let it go Cleo, walk away.

Cleo: NAH!! I want to know now! Tell me!!


Tyler:Aye chill back up. Let's just chill.

Cleo: You don't wanna be a father but when it comes to other hoes and bitches you can play daddy. Man I ain't got time. Let me know what you plan on doing.

Mario: Aint nobody playing substitute dad to none of these hoes. I never said I didn't want to be a father but I just think this it is too soon. Look let's just talk about this later.

Cleo: I can't believe you. Ya know what fuck this, I got this on my own.

Dante: CLEO!!! Mario go get her.

Mario: Let her go, the fuck I care.

Autumn: I'm gonna go check on her since this asshole of a father doesn't wan to.

Tyler: Yea babe let's go.

Over the intercom the receptionists announces that all visitation hours have ended.

Chris: Alright well looks like we better head home Ilene, it's been an interesting night.

Ilene: Sure has. Bye everyone see ya later😘

So Chris, Ilene, Jay' rown, Candice, Justice, and Tesslar all leave.

Decrae: I think we gonna head out too Dante.

Jenny: Yea we probably are. Hold on babe.

Jenny walks away from Dante and Decrae to sit next to Mario.

Mario: What do you want?

Jenny: Your gonna be a father does that not concern you a little?

Mario: Its not that I don't want the kid. I just don't want it right now or with Cleo right now.

Jenny: ok so just tell her.

Mario: That I'm in love with someone else, that  the person I want to spend my life is not her.

Jenny: I'm not gonna go there with you. I'm happy right now and u need to own up to your responsibilities.

The next day later at the Hospital.

Doctor: Hey Jess, the babies are so beautiful!!! All their vitals look great and you can take them home tomorrow.

Jess: Sounds great, do you know where my husband is?

Doctor: Oh I talked to him earlier but he might be in the cafe--

Dante: Sorry Doc, I'm here.

Doctor: I was just reiterating what we talked about earlier.

Dante: Ok. Fantastic.

Doctor: Alright. Bye now.

Jess: Why were u late?

Dante: Mario.

Jess: Did he talk to Cleo yet?

Dante: In his dreams but look at the babies.

Dante: In his dreams but look at the babies

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Jess: I know my little angels. They don't even cry a lot which I find very strange yet peaceful.

Dante: Hmm? Interesting.

Jess: What are we gonna do about Hunter, because now that we have kids now that's my main concern.

Dante: He said this ain't over. Is there something your not telling me?

Jess: Like what?

Dante: He said tell her this ain't over.

Jess: I don't know what he is talking about honestly.

Dante: Well ima handle it then and maybe get someone else to too.

Jess: Just don't start more trouble, we got enough as is.
Jess looks at the babies.

Meanwhile at Cleo's apartment.
Cleo: Autumn I still think he doesn't want thus baby because of Jenny.
Autumn: Then talk to him.
Tyler: I'm sure he'll understand if you just talk to him.
Cleo: Fuck that he should want to speak to me.
Fuckin nonchalant shit. I aint havin it.

Mario walks through the door and throws his keys on the table.

Mario: You wanna talk? let's go.

Cleo follows Mario to her bedroom and shuts the door. These are their outfits ⬇⬇⬇

Mario: Look, I'll raise this baby and support him or her to the best of my ability but I'm not interested in being more than that .

Cleo: What do you mean?

Mario: I don't want to be with you right now.

Cleo: Because of Jenny.

Mario: I'm sorry.

Cleo: Wish I would've known before we had sex but I'm not mad.

Mario: Pheww. That's a relief.

Cleo: um I just need time to figure this out.

Mario: Cleo please don't -

Cleo: I'm not gonna cry just go.

Later on
Decrae: Babe!!! How does sushi sound tonite?

Jenny: Great. Ya know I love you right?

Decrae: And I love you too, but I have to admit something.

Jenny: What?

Decrae: I killed Devonte.

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