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Jess: Wait am I hearing correctly?
Doc: Yes but everything is good so far, that's the only news we have for you.
Dante: Ok thank you Doc.
Doc: Your welcome so when you leave just sign up st the front desk to make another appointment bye-bye.
Jess:Twins? Um how??
Dante: Well ya see when a boy and girl like each other----
Jess: Yeah ik but why does God hate so much
Tamika : Aye. The Lord loves everybody. Knock knock.
Dante: Yo tt wassup this my girl Jess.
Jess: Hey and u are?
Tamika: Tamika but everybody calls me tt.
This her.

Jess: Hey tt ya know it's weird I got a friend named t

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Jess: Hey tt ya know it's weird I got a friend named t.
Tt: oh cool that wassup yeah I'm Dante' s father.😂
Dante:More like sister/bestfriend this negro practically grew up with me.
Tt: Niggga I raised you. You can ball cause of me.
Dante: nigga I ball better than you.
Tt: That's not what your girl was saying when I had her over in my crib right jess?
Jess: Look now😂. Dante she put in that work. But nah I'm just playing.
Dante: Good cuz ima up my game.
Tt: Can't up what you never had man.
They leave the Doc's office.
Tt: So since you having twins. You gon have two daddies?
Jess: nope.
Tt: What I can't be a granddaddy🤷🏾
Dante: Bye Tt.
Tt: Bye nice meeting you.
Jess: Yo that girl funny.
Dante : She can a put a smile on anyone's face so I called her up.
Jess: Thx she's really awsome. You can leave if you want. I know this may be too much.
Dante: I like a challenge.

Jante❤👣(Dante and Jess)Where stories live. Discover now