The argument

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Autumn: Hi Mrs. Ramirez remember me Autumn?
Hunter: Oh no dear sorry
Autumn Pov: ofc not u were always on them drugs Ig the Apple don't fall far from the tree.🤷🏾
Autumn: Well I used to hang out with Devonte a lot and hang with T.
Mrs. Ramirez: Oh ok and I'm srry about your lost too he was sweet but I'm looking for my son.
Autumn: Um I might have his address here u go good luck finding him

Mrs. Ramirez: Thank u and if u see that devilish child Alexa tell her I will see her her in court.
Autumn: Bye well that can't be good.
Jess: No it can't 🤦🏾just more stuff for my mother to complain about.
T: Well let's eat.
They eat dinner together and after wards go to their rooms except for Jess who had a special visitor.
Jess: Hey babe😘
Dante: Hey where's your mom?
Autumn: Um she's not too happy with me right now.
Ilene: Don't listen to her. Hello you can call me Mrs.C.
Dante: Well Mrs.C your daughter has told me a lot about u.
Ilene: I hope it was true bc all she's been telling me is lies.
Jess: I have not.
Ilene:See lie right there.
Dante: I'm jess's boyfriend sorry I forgot too-
Ilene: Wait this is perfect I don't have to tell the church.
Jess: Tell them what.
Ilene: Your pregnant,dating a guy, and if you can get married with him before the babies are due then the church will be ok.
Dante:Wait what?
Ilene: Its perfect. Ok your getting married.
Jess: What?
Dante: Excuse me but I'm just a decoy.
Ilene: Ughh classical black men, love when their girl call them daddy but don't love it when it has to come out of a kid's mouth.
Jess: MOM!! Dante is not like that and I would never put this type of pressure on him.
Ilene: I don't care you are getting married and that's final.
Jess: You can't make me.
Dante: And definitely not me. Plus who cares what the church thinks.
Jess : Oh no
Dante: What
Jess: U never mess with my mom's religion that's her life right there, the church. She never cares about anything else.
Ilene: Little girl i own you and all your savings,expenses, EVERYTHING!!!You have no money with out me so u will do as I command.
Jess: Mom that's not fair. And Dante would never do that.
Ilene: Then I guess he doesn't really love u.
Dante: I love her I just(he pauses) well what's worse having your daughter get married at 18 or having a baby out of wedlock.
Ilene: Both but a least I won't have to be embarrassed by raising this.
Jess: What? Your a huge embarrassment to me. I can't believe you would say that.
Dante: Look i understand you love God and you want to please him and I love him too but ain't no way in hell I'm going to take commands from a stranger.
Ilene: Your a hood rat and don't belong nowhere near my daughter in my opinion.
Jess: Dante i think you should go. Here I'll walk you out.
Dante: Wait your just gonna let her speak to you and especially me that way I mean you have a say so.
Jess: Just go please. Here I'll walk you out. Jess holds out her hand to offer but Dante pushes it away.
Dante: Nah I'm good. I'll leave since that's what you want.
Jess: Look Dante.
Dante: Save it. He walks out.
Jess: Mom really?
Ilene: Ughh look he wasn't even qualified to raise a child with you I was just being nice.
Jess: I'm going upstairs.
Jess walks upstairs
Jess: I hate my mother.
T: Jeesh harsh by she is a headache itself. My mom was a very godly person but not that way. If me and Devonte acted up she'd whoop us. Well before me and him split.
Autumn: My mom chill so🤷🏾I love her.
Jess: And to top it off she
Autumn: She wants you to get married. Yeah we heard the whole convo and how come you didn't stick up for Dante.
Jess: I don't know but we need to make up.
T: Ooh make up sex every guys dream
Jess: What? No? I'm not ready to do it with him he's special I need too wait.
Autumn: She's right it's going on 3mo at least let them past 8mo or 10mo
T: Aight bug Autumn you know if you started dating Tyler for 2mo you'd let him smash.
Autumn: 😏Mind your own business T because I'm shipping you and Tt.
T: That girl smell so good and she a good kisser.😩
Jess: So how do I fix this.
Autumn: Throw ya mama in a ditch hide the body far-
Jess: Not that problem DANTE!!
Autumn: Talk to him
T: Just have sex
Autumn: Not talk to him.
T: shut up just have sex.
Jess: I'm confused.
Autumn: ok how about you talk first.
T: Then have sex.

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