"Have you ever thought of dating a woman?"

I was stunned by her question , i stopped eating and started thinking. "Yeah , i liked a few girls but never dated one" i simply answered being completely honest. "So you only dated guys?" I shook my head , i didn't have to look at her to know she was extremely confused. "I only dated a guy Lis" i said finally looking at her. "Hanbin?" I nodded.

"Did he know about this?" She asks completely interested in the topic. "Yeah , i told him and he said it was alright" a small smile appeared on my lips. "Hanbin was the most kind , caring and loving person , i have met. He understood me and stayed with me"

"So in your entire life , you only dated Hanbin? 22 years old , only a guy?" She asked in disbelief , i chuckled and nodded. "Why? Is it hard to imagine?" She immediately shook her head. "I mean the famous Jennie Kim! All guys' dream girl" i laughed. "I wasn't looking for a relationship back then when i was a trainee but after i debuted i met Hanbin"



After eating our ice creams , we stayed a few more moments there on a bench talking about our past. From where we grew up to what we did yesterday night.

"Oh by the way" i said taking a notebook and a pen out of my backpack. She furrowed her brow looking at the items in my hands.

"What's that for?"

"For our song" i replied. "Why do you want to write a song?" She chuckled , "i'll tell you when we're done writing it okay? Now stop with the questions" she rolls her eyes.

"Okay.. what is it about?" She asks opening the notebook.

"Your thoughts Jennie" she looks at me weirdly. "My thoughts?" She asks , i chuckled and nodded. "Why?"

"I said no questions" she rolls her eyes. "Just tell me your thoughts.. your lost thoughts at 3 am , thinking of Hanbin" she furrowed her brow. "How did you know?" I weakly smiled. "I'm like you Jennie.. broken hearted"

She nods looking at the ground , i waited for her to speak. I didn't want to force or pressure her , that's not my plan , i want her honest thoughts.

"I'm tired Lisa" she suddenly spoke. "I'm tired" she repeated this time looking in my eyes. I could see she was hurting.. i never i saw her like this.. vulnerable. This is working.

"Tired of what?" She took a deep breath before speaking again. "Tired of doing what people expect me to do.. i'm not a robot that people can control me" she let out. "Hanbin was extremely kind and lovely but he was one of those people.. now he left and i still love him Lisa.. i miss him so much"

She was hurt , she was extremely hurt. More than i am , she kept all of her pain inside and now she's exploding.

"Everyday people judge me , everyday there's people hating on me like i'm not a human being.. I didn't show my vulnerability because i have to keep my image but Lisa.. it hurts like hell"

I understood her feeling , she was fighting the argue of crying in front of me and she won because after she spoke she wipes the tears in her eyes.

"I'm done and it's time to give up"

I smiled at her statement and nodded. Jennie was a strong and independent woman. Now its time to let it show to the world who Jennie Kim truly is.

"I'm proud of you Jennie" she smiles. "Thanks Lisa" i shook my head. "Don't Jen.. this is all you" i smiled at her.

"How do we start?" She asks looking at the notebook while i started thinking.. "we could start with how you are.." she looks at me and furrowed. "How am i?"

A LOVE LIKE THIS [JENLISA]Where stories live. Discover now