"Let's go see your family, babe. I'm sure they want to love you just as much as us right now." She nodded at Lincoln.

Her brothers attacked her in hugs and kisses. She smiled more and more as they did. She's deserving of love, always. 

We didn't leave for a week after the Veronica incident. Things have been squared away with the pack, the pack has met Winter and I. Her family has been supportive of everything. Lincoln has decided to let Winter decide where we go. 

We were asked to go to the Castle to meet the packs surrounding it. When we arrived it was insanely busy and hectic, but Winter was excited. She has a better relationship between her and her actual family. People have been very supportive of her lately. She definitely needs it, she bares the weight of the world on her shoulders willingly and never complains. 

"Winter, come on! We have to get ready!" Issy giggled as she pulled Winter to her feet from sitting outside with us all. "Time to get sexy-ified." She smiled, Winter's laugh echoed. They left the view, and it was soon just the group of us men. 

"Have you told her yet?" Beck asked sipping his beer with a smile.

"Not yet, we want her to enjoy the carefree life for a while longer." Link said sipping his beer. 

"What do you mean?" He chuckled to himself before getting quiet. "Beck?" He smiled at me gently.

"Haven't even run it past Kaine yet." Parker laughed gently. "Oof." He snorted.

"What?!" I snapped shoving Link gently earning a growl.

"Marriage." I snorted.

"We're basically all married to each other." He nodded and didn't look at me. 

"Moving together, living together. It's finicky with her." Beck said gently. "She doesn't like certain change."

"I think she'll handle it just fine." Link kissed my head and stood up quietly. "Lincoln what else? You guys are acting weird." They all smiled at me, I don't like that.

"Baby," I looked at Lincoln. "children." Oh.

"Good f****** luck." I said standing up and sighing. "I'm not even ready for that, let alone her being ready. How long did you want to bring this up?" He sighed at me and shook his head. "Lincoln Conrad Kormack." He growled at me.

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