Chapter 31: Last Time.

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Stampys POV

After a full week of having fun, laughing, and generally enjoying ourselves me, Squid, Delia, and her new pug Mia started to make our way home. The snow had melted away slightly so that the paths were fairly dry with only a little bit of snow that had been pressed up against the kerb. There was also a whole load of cars driving by us, which was a good sign that the roads where getting clearer. So it did put my worry about Delia slipping over and hurting herself when she walked home from school got put to rest.

We all walked back into our house Squid almost tripped over a thick parcel that was laying on our floor. I knew what it was the second we saw it. Delia's uniform. We did buy her some nice school-like clothes but I guessed the school sent us the proper unifrom for free. I picked it up, took it to the coffee table, laid it down, and opened the thick paper up. There was a white button up shirt with the schools logo on it, a black blazer with the schools logo on it, a skirt with tights, a pair of trousers, yet that wasn't it. There was also a PE uniform. It was a red shirt with the schools logo on it, as well as black jogging bottoms with the logom and a pair of trainers.

The logo for the school was a triange that was slightly curved. The triangle had a cross in the middle, and in each of the gaps caused by the cross there was the schools name, a red iris eye, a mug filled with what I guessed to be tea, and a snake curled up in a ball. It looked like some type of Harry Potter house or something like that.

"Am I going to have to wear that to school?" Delia said, sitting down next to me and cuddling her pug close.

"Yea, don't worry though. Everybody else will have to though, so you won't be alone!" I replied as cheerfully as I could. "Hey, don't worry. Come here, it'll be fine. If I survived, then you survive!" She placed Mia down on the floor and curled up next to me, her head resting on my lap. Mia jumped from the ground and up onto the sofa, laying at the bottom of the sofa. "Go to sleep now. You've had a hard week." Seconds after I said that Delia was fast asleep, snoring softly. I would've carried her up to her room but I had a feeling that would wake her up. Instead, I stood up, threw her thin blanket that was in her bag over her, and walked into the kitchen, where Squid was.

He was sitting at the table, reading some kind of book. I sat down opposite him and stared out the window that lead into the back garden. It was a little bit strange to see it without any snow whatsoever. I had a feeling though that Delia wished that it was still snowing mainly because I just knew she was dreading going to public school for the first time. I just knew she was. Even though that both me and Squid dreaded going back to school after the holidays because we got bullied, it didn't mean that Delia would get bullied. I'm sure that she would make a whole load of friends.

"In a few days time Delia will be starting school. Is she going to walk home or are we going to pick her up and drop her off." Squid said. I had actually never thought of that. Did Delia even know where the school was? And if she walked home, did she know how to get home? I did suggest these ideas to Squid who then sat back and thought for a little while. "We can pick her up and drop her off for the first few days. It's just that I'm worried about her being bullied. Because, you know...we're..."

"If teenagers are going to bully our daughter just because we're dating then I'm dragging her out of that school. We'll home school her." I said without any hesitation. I had already out up with 16 whole years of constant bullying just because I was gay, and I wasn't going to let Delia go though the same thing. If she did go though the same thing....I just want her to tell me. That's all I want. I don't want her to keep it a secret from us like I did with my parents, and just about everybody that I knew. I won't let her suffer in silence...Like I did.

Around two hours later I walked back into the living room to see that Mia, the pug, had gone to the toilet all the sofa. Sighing, I quickly lifted her up and brought her outside, where she finished off her business. Once she was done I let her back inside and lifted Delia up off the sofa. I was just glad the out didn't pee on her. That would be bad. I carried her upstairs to her bedroom and laid her down on her bed, which happened to be perfectly made. She grumbled a bit, but she didn't wake up.

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