Chapter 27: Singing And Christmas Drinks.

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Delia's POV

Just as I thought, it was crowded. All I could see from my short height was a sea of heads. It made me nervous as heck. I had a feeling that I was defiantly going to get lost. My whole body started shaking with a mixture of fright and complete horror all at the same time. I just knew that I was going to have a panic attack in here, I could feel it. Okay...All you have to do Delia is just stay close to either David or Joe. Then you will be fine! 

The second I stepped past the doors to get into the center I felt as if tons upon tons of people were planning to kidnap me, kill me, or try and do the same to my parents. I stared down at the ground and tried my best to get my breath back. This was always the first sign that I was going to have a panic attack, so that didn't really make me feel any better. If I was going to have a panic attack I just hoped that it wouldn't be the type of a panic attack when I threw up all over the place...Now that would be terrifying as well as embarrassed. 

I felt somebody's hand slip into mine, which sent shivers all throughout my body. For a second I thought that it was somebody that I didn't know, and I couldn't help but let out a scream. Everybody in a thirty meter raids looked over at me with a confused look on my face. My face light up like a light bulb with embarrassment. I stared down at the ground and tried my best to fight back the tears that were already running down my face. Dammit...I was having a panic attack. 

Joe got down to my level and brushed all of my hair to one side. He then pulled me into a hug and patted my back while I tried my best to choke out an apology. I pulled away and let hold my hand and slowly walk me towards the back of the shop, where all the Christmas decorations where. My whole body was shaking with fear. My stomach was turning around in my stomach like crazy. Hopefully we would go to some type of restaurant where I could use the toilets and I could be sick there. 

At that moment we all walked past a group of people advertising for a singing contest at the local town hall. Both David and Joe stopped walking to stop and take one of the leaflets. The picture on the front was what I guessed to be a town hall. It was a tall, thin, stone building that looked like some type of castle out of a fairy tale. On the inside one of the pictures was the main hall. It had a light oak wood stage, with light blue chairs that were slowly going upwards, with a staircase in the middle of the chairs that looked like gravel. It was probably paint but it still looked amazing. 

"Do you want to audition for it then? It is for one day only and the winner gets picked on the same day. Delia?" David said, handing me the leaflet. I held it in my shaking hands. I loved singing and music, but I didn't think I would be able to perform in public without screaming or crying. Or even both at the same time. I closed my eyes and thought for a while. I could sing...In front of possibly tons of people. Yet, what  if I screw up? There might be people that go to the school that I was going to in January, and that was just going to be another thing they could do to harass me. 

"Okay. I'll audition." I said. I instantly regretted it. I only knew a few songs off by heart and they weren't Christmas songs in the slightest. There was 'Hey Soul Sister' by Train, 'The Promise' by Emma Blackary, and 'A Song About A Girl' by Luke Cutforth...Which kinda brought bad memories. As the orphanage name was the Cutforth Orphanage. But it still didn't stop me from loving it. I couldn't sing that song though as every verse at at least two swear words in. 

I quickly made the decision in my head that I was going to sing the Emma Blackary song. It was simple and I could also play it on the guitar. Rudy taught me in two days when Mrs.Naomi was sick. We all walked into a shop for Christmas trees and Christmas trees only and started looking around. Most of them were real, and they looked amazing. The exact opposite to was the orphanage got every year. Which was a stupid plastic one that was missing around fifty branches

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