Chapter 9: Play Fighting

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*Two Days Later*

Stampys POV

The sound of a train rushing over the nearby rails is the thing that woke me up out of my deep slumber. I groggliy fumbled around on my bedside table before I found my phone and switched it on. 10:34. Jeez, we woke up late. I strecthed out and swung my legs over the side of the bed, before jumping up and walking over to my suitcase. The only clean clothes I had were a marroon coloured top, and my black skinny jeans which rarely ever got dirty. Well, I was sure they did yet you could hardly see it because they were the darkest colour on earth. 

When I was finished changing I neatly folded up my Onesie and placed it at the very top of the suitcase to avoid getting it completly smushed within the other clothes. I also put all of my Minecraft stuff in the bag it came in and tied the plastic handles of the bag over the strap of the suitcase itself. Once all of the labourous packing was done I made my way to the kitchen. To be honest I was a little suprised that Martyn wasn't awake yet. He was usally always awake by 9:00. 

Judging by the open window and around five million moths, greenflys, and crane flies that were in the front two rooms, the doll had been thrown out it. Which I guessed to be a good thing, dispite the rules online saying that you had to burn the doll and place it in another persons rubbish-bin. The main thing is that it was out of our sight, and we wouldn't have to deal with it anymore. Who the heck even thought up with the idea for that game anyways? How does one person thing a game where a doll tries to kill you and possess your body is a good idea? Let alone a fun one? Sure, if you are one of those people who loves being scared, then yea, this is the perfect game for you. But still! Just the idea of it makes my shiver.

"Hey..." Squid said, walking up behind me. He had wrapped a thick blanket around his body as his Onesie was put in the washing machine due to him being vioently sick all over it. 

"Are you feeling better?" I asked at once, even though he, in fact, looked worse. 

"Well, if by feeling better you mean just throwing up only twenty seconds ago then yea, I'm fine..." He choked out a small laugh, before it quickly turned into a chesty cough. I quickly pulled him onto the nearby chair and let him almost cough up his lungs while I patted him on the back. He really needed to get some more sleep. We could stay here until 23:00, when the last train left. I'm sure Martyn wouldn't mind if we stayed a little longer, right? "I'm going...To get changed." Before I coud even think of a sentence to stop him from doing so, he was already in the bedroom. Him walking in here did remind me that I needed to get his Onesie out of the washing machine. 

I pulled the blue fabric out and held it up to my face. It still smelt fainlty of vomiting and sickness, and it also had a darker blue patch around the higher leg area where we was actaully sick. Poor Squid, he must feel awful. I can't stand watching other people be sick, and if I'm sick myself then I just cry. I took a deep breath and exhaled before standing up and walking into our bedroom to put the Onesie in his suitcase. When I walked into the bedroom, he was laying on the bed in a ball shape, moaning softly to himself. 

"Squid!" I fast-walked over to him, my heart pounding. "Squid? Jeez, what's wrong?" I grabbed him by his shoulders and pulled him upwards until he was in a sitting position. He was clutching a section of the bedsheets in his hands as well as having half his face buried in the material. "Have you been sick again?" I asked. That was the only explnation. After a gut-turning ten seconds, he nodded his head weakly, before flopping onto my chest and crying silenty. Sighing, I rubbed his back and stayed silent. Dammit, what had made him so ill? At first I thought it was just the fear from playing the game, and he was so afraid that he was sick. Yet...Seven whole hours later and he is still throwing up. My only other guess was that he had eaten some bad food. We did order a takeaway for yestadays lunch, and Squids meal did have chicken in it. And if that wasn't it....Then he must've been so scared last night I don't even want to think about it. 

"I'm sorry Stamps...I don't know why I'm being so sick so suddenly." He mumbled, pulling away, 

"It's fine, trust me." I took the covers away from the bed and threw them in one corner. When we left then the cleaner who cleans the hotel rooms, obivously, has to clean those bedsheets, right? He can't just leave vomit on them without at least one person complaining. "Just get changed into some fresh clothes and then go and have a shower. I'll make you some breakfast with tea once you get out." He smiled weakly and slolwy crawled out of the now bare bed and over to his suitcase. 

Squids POV

I opened up my suitcase and pulled out the clothes in which I managed to grab first. These happened to be a light green shirt along with some brown shorts. Yea, brown shorts in almost snow-perfect weather. Why the heck did I even pack these? I stuffed them back into the suitcase and after around five tries I managed to pull out some ever so slightly dirty jogging bottoms. Halfway though changing I caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror that was leaning at an odd angle agaist the dark grey wall. And I didn't like what I saw. My whole body, let alone my face, was a horrible pale colour. And I could easily see how much I was shaking. If I was honest though I wasn't that shocked. I felt awful. My stomach hurt, my throat burned and I was freezing cold. 

After pulling my clothes on with some...Minor...Struggle I stumbled into the living room where I flopped down on the couch in a heap. Stampy came and sat down to be a few moments later. He threw a blanket over my body before laying down in the small amount of space behind me, so that both of our backs were touching. After a moment or two of utter silence Stampy got back up again and opened up his laptop. 

"Should we look at train times?" He asked, nudging me his elbow. I pulled myself up and rested my head on his shoulder. He typed in his password, waited for it to load, before going onto google and waiting another half an hour before he could type anything in. 

"Why is it taking to lonnngggg??" I asked, mocking a five year old in a family holiday car journey. We both chuckled.

"Because..." Stampy replied in the same matter, playfully shoving me. I shoved him back, but a little bit harder. He glared at me. "Okay...It's on." Somehow we both ended up having a huge play fight on the small, cramped sofa that could barely fit both of us on. Even though my head was pounding thoughout all of it, it still was fun. I can't remember the last time both of us were just...Ourselfs. We always had to act just like friends infront of other people, not like we even thought about the idea of dating. Yet...When we were alone...We just basically play fought. Which did end up in me breaking the left side of my hand once. Well it was his fault for pushing me down the stairs!! "So...I win!" Stampy yelled, jumping onto my chest. Me being a bit stronger than him I managed to push him the oppisite way so that I was now on his chest.

"Noppeeee! I win! I win! I WIN!!" I yelled, punching the air. He grabbed my waist with one hand and started tickling my armpits with the other. "NO!! Stampy, no! NO!! NO! Stop!" I screamed even louder, trying my best to push him away, but I was so over come with laughter it was like I had lost all strenght to do so. There was one thing about me, and that was the fact that I was extrememly weak to getting tickled. 

"Hahahahaha! I am victourous! Aren't I Squiddy?" He pressed his forehead agaist mine, and stopped tickling me. I took a deep, laughter filled breath before managing to throw Stampy around 10 centometers away from me.  "Dammit! Squid! You know what I will do!!" He reached out and grabbed my ankle and started pulling him back towards him. Before I knew it he was tickling the bottom of my foot. I screamed in pain and joy. "I told you! Didn't I!?" At that moment I somehow managed to kick him away from me and start to run away. He managed to tackle me to the ground though, which didn't help my headache that much. "It's over now!" He mocked a evil persons laugh before laughing in his classic, everyday laugh. Which, as a chain reaction, made me burst into fits of laughter as well. "I won, okay? But you know, at the train station I'll buy you some skittles!" Stampy muttered, pulling out his phone. I wrapped my arms around him from the side and rested my head on his shoulder. The times we had together sure were fun. 


Hope you enjoyed!

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