Chapter 24: VLOG And Hate

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Squids POV

Me and Stampy decided that we should upload a VLOG explaining that we had adopted Delia. Most of our subscribers didn't even know that we were dating. I mean, some of the older ones already kind of guessed that we were, but I think they were just saying it to either be mean, or just for fun. No matter what though I was still kind of terrified.

I laid the camera down on the coffee table and sat down on the sofa, awaiting for Stampy to finish whatever he was doing in the kitchen. It sounded like he was making some sort of phone call to his sister. While I was waiting I pulled our my phone and started to check all of my social medias. Not much was going on really. Just pictures of peoples lunches, lazy day pictures, ranting about the new YouTube layout, just stupid stuff like that. When I did upload this video into myself channel though, I just knew that all of my social medias would be different.

Stampy walked into the living room, slipping his phone into his pocket. We both sat in utter silence for what seemed like years before I reached our and pressed the 'start recording' button. The red light flashed up in the corner of my eye. I glanced over at Stampy, who was doing the exact same thing as me. We both gave each other a weak smile. I took a deep breath, turned back to face the camera, and spoke.

"Hello everybody! Welcome to a VLOG...Thing! Haha, today both me and Stampy just wanted to explain the recent events that are going on in our lives. Some of you might not know this but both me and Stampy are actually d-dating. Umm, yea. I know that I just probably lost, like, a thousand subscribes but, if you unsubscribed just because that I'm dating a guy, then I'm glad you unsubscribed." I felt my face going a bright red colour. Did I seriously just say that?

"So..." Stampy continued. "Me and Squid have been dating for..ten whole years from next week now! Ever since we were thirteen! The reason we are making this VLOG though is to announce that we have adopted somebody! She is fourteen years old, and her name is Delia. Should I go and get her?" He asked, shaking me shoulder.

"Alright, she's in her bedroom." I replied. With that, Stampy ran up all the stairs until he was in the attic room. "While we wait for Stampy cat, I guess I could just dance!" I said to the camera.

Stampys POV

I managed to get Delia downstairs and into the living room so she could say hello...To the camera? It sounded weird but to me, Squid, and most other YouTubers, it was completely normal. I sat Delia down and nudged her shoulder ever so slightly, trying to get her to speak into the camera. All she did for around five whole minutes was just stare. Just stare at the blinking red dot. I didn't really blame her. The poor thing looked terrified.

Squid wrapped his arm around her shoulders and whispered something to her, I'm not sure what it was. Whatever it was, Delia replied by timidly nodding her head and opening her mouth an inch. In the bottom of her eye, I saw tears start to build up behind her eyelids. Delia also was starting to shake a little. I was defiantly going to edit this bit out, that's for sure.

"He-Hey, my name is D-D-Delia. I-urr-I really don't know what I should be saying. I am a cry-baby...I know that...Theres not much more to know about me. B-Byee..." She mumbled. I switched the camera off and pulled Delia and Squid into a group hug. Poor Delia was still shaking with fear. "I'm sorry I wasn't the best at speaking." She said. I ran my fingers though her hair and let her calm down.

A small dinging sound came from the computer, symbolisng that the video had uploaded. Slowly, I stood up and walked over to it. My stomach was turning in all sorts of directions, making me feel extremely uneasy. What would people be saying? Would they support me and Squid or just hate us? I take a deep breath and go onto Squid channel, where I uploaded it. He had named the Vlog: Dating, Family and Teenagers?!'

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