Chapter 28: Christmas Eve

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Stampy's POV

It had gotten a whole load colder since we last went out. Ever since then Netty managed to go out and get the pug we were planning to give to Delia for Christmas. She did live nearer to the shelter, she also had a car so it was the best choice then me and Squid walking to the shelter, walking back to their house, dropping it off, before running home before Delia woke up. I wouldn't really be worried but the fact that she was prone to have panic attacks was the reason we decided not to go. If we did go and she had a panic attack while we were gone I wouldn't be able to forgive myself.

At least it was Christmas eve, so all of us could start to relax until January. The time when Delia started school. I think that it was her first time being in public school, as in the Orphanage they get homeschooled, and at her old home I think her parents either homeschooled her, or just didn't let her go to school. Hopefully her first day would go down well, I mean, I'm sure that she would make a few friends. Whatever happens I just hope that she doesn't get builled as bad as me and Squid did.

I curled up on the sofa, pulled the thick blanket over me, and stared out the window at the blizzarding snow. It had gotten so deep over the last week or so that if I were to stand in it, the snow would end just above my ankles. Because of that reason me, Squid, and Delia were all going to walk to the rest of the Magical Animals Clubs house tonight, around nine-ish. We just knew that it was going to snow harder tonight. I just knew it. Yet, it was probably Delia's first, proper, Christmas, with presents and all. Not only that, but it was snowing as well.

Squid walked in from the kitchen, stared at me for a moment, before pulling off his hooide that he was wearing and slipping underneath the covers so that he was curled up right next to me. I reached though the thick material and wrapped my arm around his chest so that he wouldn't fall of the extremely thin sofa. He was freezing cold, just like he had rolled around naked in the snow or something. I kissed him on the nape of his neck and buried my head into his shoulder. He turned around ever so slightly so that we were both facing. Our eyes met. Before I knew it we gave each other a kiss that lasted ten seconds, but it really felt like a lifetime because it was so good.

He pulled away from me and ran his fingers though my hair. We still made eye contact, not breaking it even when we heard the sound of some type of fire alarm going off from another house We stayed in silence, not wanting to break the beautiful time that we had to ourselves. I wanted to stay in this position until the new year rolled around just because I knew it would be ages until we did it again.

"Stampy..." Squid mumbled, breaking the silence.

"Yes?" I replied, sitting up slightly.

"Do you want to get the stocking? For Delia? So when she wakes up she will have her small, cheap gifts to open?" Squid said. I nodded, stood up, and slowly made my way though the snow in our fairly large backgarden so I could get to the shed that was way at the back. Once I had grabbed the white and red felt material, I stumbled back into the house and laid the stocking down on the coffee table. While I was getting it Squid had quickly ran upstairs and got the small plastic bag that had six small, cheap gifts that we were giving her.

All of these small gifts consited of was a notebook, a plastic snake thing, a book called 'Wreck This Journal', a bottle of derotrant, a small bag filled with strawberry laces and a small teddy that was in the shape of a kitten. They were already wrapped in paper so me and Squid could quickly shove them into the stocking, slip it underneath the coffee table, and relax against each other again. It warmed my body up extremely quickly after running around in the snow. 

At some time I must've feel asleep because I woke up at six in mine and Squids bed, still wrapped in the thick blanket, as well as the duvet draped over my body. I slowly sat up and let all of the comfty materials slide of my body and rolled out of bed. Why was I feeling so groggy? If I ever fell alseep during the day, then woke up again, I would feel overly hyper. It even lead to me breaking my pinky finger one time, after I jumped out of bed after I had finished my nap. 

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