Chapter 23: Shopping And Supplies

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Stampy's POV

The snow was falling heavily for the second day in a row now. The buses never ran in the snow so me, Squid, and Delia had to walk. Which was hopefully going to go well. Sighing, I jumped down from the armchair and wandered into the kitchen, where Squid and Delia where. They were both sitting at the small dining table eating some burnt toast with syrup drizzled over the top of it. Even though they were sitting in complete silence they both still seemed content. I opened up one of the draws where me and Squid kept most of out money and stuff like that and took out two twenty pound notes. Today we were taking Delia school supplies shopping, as after Christmas she is going to one of the nearby schools. It felt kinda scary really. 

"Hey, Stampy, what time are we going into town?" Squid asked. He stood up and slipped his plate into the sink before walking over to me and hugging me from the side. 

"Soon, but you do realize that we have to walk? It's snowing like crazy outside. Oh, Delia, do you have any coats which you could put on?" I asked, turning around slightly. She shook her head. "Alright, Squid, can you go and get one of my old winter coats? I know I brought the black one, its somewhere in the storage closet." I said. He kissed me on my temple before running up to our bedroom. I slipped the two twenty pound notes into my pocket and sat down next to Delia. "Yea, sorry you will have to wear one of my old coats, but it's much better than being cold." She chuckled slightly. 

Squid came bounding down the stairs and into the kitchen, sliding across the wooden floor in his socks, he had also tied my coat over his chest army style. Just before I stood up to get the coat off from him, he took the coat off and threw it at me. The sharp zipper was around two centimeters away from hitting me in the face. But the coat itself somehow managed to land on the middle of my head. I heard both Squid and Delia burst into fits of laughter. I parented to be angry and throw the coat back at Squid. Before I knew it we were both having a throwing fight with a coat that was way too small for me. 

Once we had calmed down we started to actually get ready to go out in the freezing cold snow. I slipped my shoes on and pulled over the new coat that I had gotten, and I was about to open up the door when I noticed that Delia was staring at me from the end of the hallway. For a moment I thought it was a ghost or a spirit, as the light from the kitchen made her look almost like a shadow. 

"Delia? Are you okay?" I asked. She slowly walked towards me. My old coat that I have gave her actually fitted her quite well, much better than it fitted me. Yet she seemed saddened about something else. "What's up?" I asked again. 

"Earlier today...I saw your arm...You did it as well..." She mumbled, staring down at the ground. For a moment I didn't know what she was talking about until I remembered that I was wearing a short sleeved shirt when I woke up. She must've been talking about my scars. "Why did you do it?" I squatted down to her level and rested one of my hands on her shoulder. 

"Probably the same reason why you did it...To cope with stuff. But I don't do it anymore. Hey, promise me that you'll stop?" I said. She nodded her head. "Pinky promise?" I held out my left pinky finger to her. After a few seconds of staring at it she lifted her right pinky and we both shook each others pinky. I kissed her on the top of her head and pulled her into a hug while Squid was walking into the hallway.  He looked like he was going to say something but stopped when he saw us. When we both pulled away I unlocked the door and almost got blown away by the extreme wind. "Okay, be careful out here, alright? There's bound to be ice." I said, grabbing Delia by her elbow and carefully walking out and onto the street. 

The cold snow got stung harshly on all of my exposed skin. Why did I think going out in -10 degree weather was ever a good idea? I glanced over at Squid and Delia, who were around half a meter behind me, looking just as cold. After walking for around ten minutes, the school that Delia was going to in January came into view. It was tucked away on a small street, which made the road just outside of the school quite dangerous, but it was good during the breaks. As there wasn't a chance that a car was going to crash right into the gates.

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