Chapter 25: Ending It All

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Delia's POV

I was laying down on my bed, staring up at the ceiling. It was one week until Christmas, two weeks ago I was hiding up in a tree, wanting to end my life. I still did want to. Just all those comments...All twenty of them...Hated me. I searched the video on my phone and looked though the comments while they were both asleep. Lets just say that night I cried myself to sleep. 

Just...So many people hated me right now...What if I could just try and end it again? I knew where the rope was. As well as the razor blades, and pills. They were in the family bathroom. I could easily sneak down a flight of stairs, go into the bathroom, grab the stuff I need, then sneak back upstairs again. It would be more than easy! David and Joe were recording for their YouTube job thing, so they wouldn't hear me, right? I took a deep breath and got off from my bed, opened the door a crack, and slipped out.

They were both shouting about something, but not in an angry sort of way. At least I don't think it was meant to be angry. I crept past their door and quickly ran into the bathroom. It looked quite similar to mine, only that it was a whole load bigger. The only place I thought that the pills, rope, and razors could be was in the cupboard. I stood on the toilet and reached over until my hand could just about touch the mirror cupboard that was over the seat. Being short what awful in most cases. 

When I somehow managed to open it, luckily, the rope, pack of razor blades, and the bottle of pills were all in a small, paper bag. I grabbed it, and jumped off from the toilet, and the exact moment that somebody knocked on the door. At once I froze. I hadn't had any time to stuff the bag underneath my shirt yet, so if the person who knocked the door opened it, then they would see the bag at once. 

"Hello?" It was Tom, Davids brother. He was the one who found me two weeks ago, hiding up in the tree. "Delia? Are you in there?" I quickly shoved the bag behind the shower curtain. "Delia?" I opened the door a crack and looked out. "Are you okay? You've been in there for ten minutes." He said. I had to make an excuse. Fast. Or else Joe or David would come out of their bedrooms and then start asking me even more questions. 

"Oh, I-I-I was going downstairs to get my phone carger, and on the way up I tripped up the stairs and cut my ankle. I just came i here to clean it up." I stuttered. He gave me a weird look, but walked away into Joe and David's bedroom. I shut the door, grabbed the bag, stuffed it underneath my shirt, and quickly sprinted up to my bathroom. My heart was pumping like crazy. 

I started to prepare everything that I needed. It was only then I slowly started to realise what I was actually doing. I was ending my lifespan...I wiped away a tear that was rolling down the side of my face and started tying the rope around the shower head. It was still in a noose shape so I didn't have to tie it up all over again. My heart was pumping like crazy. Just calm down Delia! In a few moments it will be over. It will all be over. All the pain, fear, and emotions...It will be okay! 

I took a razor blade out of the 10 pack that I brought and pressed it agaist my wrist, closing the eyes at the same time. Online once I saw something that read: Down The Road, Not Side To Side. At first I had no idea what the heck that meant, until I figured out that the only way you could REALLY damage yourself my self harm was to do it down the arm. Not across. Tears started streaking down the side of my face as I felt the sharp edge of the blade split my skin open. The warm blood leaked down the side of my arm and fell onto my floor. I could hear it drip onto the tiles. 

After what seemed like ages I re-opened my eyes and stared down at my arm. Blood was everywhere. It was a dark red colour. Blood all over my clothes, my light grey sweat-pants, and most of it covering the floor. Jeez...If anybody ever walked in here I really hoped that they wouldn't slip on it. By then though hopefully it would be dry. I clenched my fist's and threw the razor onto the floor. It looked like a murder scene in here. Shaking, I opened the bottle up and filled my hand up with around twenty pills. Even though I knew what I was doing I still wasn't really that afraid. 

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