Chapter Two: Scared

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Stampys POV

I gripped the handle of my suitcase so tightly that my fingers went white. Why was I so terrified? It was only for a week...A week! It would be impossible for anybody to find out that me and Squid are dating within a week. Yet...Whenever I thought about leaving the house with him for more than one day...I just didn't feel safe. It was most likely down the events that I went though when I was younger. With all the violence, pain, stuff like that...Ugh...All I wanted to do was curl up into a ball and stay here. I squeezed my eyes shut and closed the door do my bedroom. It would be five days before I felt the safety of my bed again. Or more likely the safety of Squid again. We couldn't get too close. I did just say people wouldn't find out within five days yet...Most people in this world are smart.

"You ready?" Squid whispered. The time was around 2:00am so everybody in the house was asleep, and we had to be quiet. I nodded. Even though it was a lie. In actual fact, I was far from okay. He gentle placed his hands over mine and we started making our way to the front door. The house seemed creepy and abandoned at night. One of the only things giving it away that we were in a 21st century house, and not a 18th century house was the fact that it had working boilers, ovens, and all types of electronics, that beeped every few moments.

We both crept outside and into the darkness of the night. I could feel a few droplets of early winter snow hit my face. Jeez...Please don't let it snow when we're there. It would honestly just make things worse. We would be trapped there for longer, and the others back at the house might worry about us.

The train station didn't look much better than the house when we approached it. Half of the small, little lamps that they had hung all over the platforms weren't working, instead they flickered on and off, casting stomach churning shadows all over the stone floor. I gulped nervously as I stumbled over to the rusty metal benches placed mere centimetres away from an two meter drop that would most likely end in you getting killed. Maybe...No! No I'm not jumping down there! Squid would most likely pull me up instantly anyways. If by some extreme chance that Squid went to the bathroom just as the train was pulling into the station, then I would possibly jump. Even then I wouldn't...Because I don't think that I would actually be able to jump in front of a moving object without screaming.

"Stampy? You alright?" Squid gently shook my shoulder. I could feel the dampness of tears on my cheeks. My left wrist also hurt badly, like I had sprained it or something. When I glanced down at it, I noticed that my fingernails were dating into the first layer of my skin, causing small drops of blood to appear. "Stamps?" He said after waiting a moment or two. "Speak to me..." I just shook my head. How was I supposed to explain that I was terrified of meeting a good friend of ours? I wanted to meet him...But for a week? I liked Martyn, of course I did. Yet the THOUGHT of staying away from a place I was comfortable in just made me want to...die.

After about half an hour of staying completely silent the old, rusty train rolled into the station. Causing a loud, whining noise to fill up the whole place. Within seconds around five-hundred people were on the platform. Shouting, screaming, laughing, hugging people, just the normal stuff. Considering it was 3:30am, it did make me feel a bit uncomfortable to think why so many people were getting off. Slowly, I stood up and made my way to one if the carriages at the end, where we would be least likely to get disturbed.

The carriages where in fairly good condition, I guess. The seats where a strange blue and green striped pattern and made out of a fuzzy, velvet like material. Dust had gathered profoundly on the ledge of the slightly grey window, which stared out into the greyness of mine and Squids town. The walls had been painted a pale-yellow colour and yet floor was a light blue cyan colour, with dark blue dots placed randomly on the base. I was going to survive in this small room for the next two hours at least. I sat down on the seat nearest to the door, with my knees pressed up against my chest, and stared blankly out the window. When the longest ten minutes of my life had finally passed the train slowly pulled out of the station, and onto the tracks.

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