Chapter 17: Family?

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*2 Weeks After Chapter 16*

Stampy's POV

I pull out the camera that Squid brought in for me and stare at it for a moment. For the last two weeks Squid had been uploading my videos that I have already recorded. I always recorded two weeks in advance just in case I got sick or something. Yet I never knew I would need them for something like this. But know...Tomorrow would be my last video before I ran out, and of course I couldn't play Minecraft, so instead my only option was to VLOG. I pressed on the record button and waited for the red light to come on. When it did, which happened to be five full seconds later, I lifted the camera up from my lap and started talking. 

"H-Hey guys...I just needed to make this little VLOG to explain a few things. The reason I haven't been on social media a lot, if at all, is because I have been in the hospital! I won't go into reasons why but I might be here for a very long time. Which means I can't play Minecraft or other games. So I'm going to VLOG everyday until I get out. Also, in case you're wondering why I have been uploading for the last two weeks, is because my amazing, wonderful friend Squid has been uploading them for me! So go over and thank him! Bye!" I spoke as clearly as I could. I would've said my 'boyfriend Squid' yet I knew that some of the internet trolls would just leave a whole ton of hate comments. 

As soon as I finished I pressed the record button again, to stop it recording, and grabbed my phone from the bedside table. I had to make the announcement onto Facebook and Twitter, just so everybody would know. Once I did that I went onto YouTube to watch some videos. The first one I clicked on was Squid's new video, which was a Mission To Mars one. It was a good thing that I wasn't apart of that series anymore I guess, as there would be a whole load of comments  wondering where I was. Before the video, and advert came on, like always. I was about to skip when I saw what it said in the white writing on the screen. 

'Want To Start A Family? Then Come To: CutForth Orphanage For Teenagers.' The advert then showed a few clips of the children there. For a while I though that me and Squid could start a family, yet I never really mentioned anything. I always though we were way to young to adopt a child or a teenager...Yet...Maybe once I was out of here I could causally mention it. Should I? Hesitating, I pressed my finger down on the logo, as I was on my iPhone, and waited for the stupid Safari app to load up the page. Which seemed like forever. Once it had uploaded though I scrolled though the main homepage to find out more about this orphanage, and if they were good or not. 

'CutForth Orphanage is a wonderful orphanage filled with young children and teenagers who would love to get adopted by a loving, caring family. Some of the children at CutForth orphanage have had bad past, that may trouble them with doing certain activities such as staying home alone, walking alone, and going into tight spaces. These troubles can be resolved by the love you can give to your future adopted child or teenager. Another fact worth mentioning is now, if you are in a same-sex relationship, you can now adopt as well! So why not! Come down today!'

It seemed like a good orphanage by the sound of it. Maybe, once I'm out of here, both me and Squid could go down there and see what it is like. Yea...That did seem like a good idea yet...What would Squid think? Does he even want children in his life? He has never even mentioned anything about kids  in the whole time that I have known him. Well, apart from our subscribers, as most of them are children. At that moment my main Doctor walked in with Squid close behind him. 

"Before you two start having a private conversation I need to change your drip first." I turned my head in the direction of Squid, who was to the left of me, while my Doctor started to change my blood drip, which was weird, as my doctor recently told me that they were running out of my blood type. As soon as me and Squid made eye contact I noticed something at once. He had a small plaster on the side of his arm. "Before you start asking questions, yes, he did give blood for you. Four pints, which is the most one person can give without dying. The reason you also need a lot of blood is because your immune system was already quite weak, as you were born premature, right? I nodded. It was true. I was born at 32 weeks. I almost died, if it wasn't for my operation on my heart. I think it was my heart at least. 

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