Chapter 5: I Shall See You Again

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Squids POV

I threw myself down onto the bed and sobbed loudly into my pillow. Stampy had left me! And it was all my fault! If only I hadn't told that flipping stupid sentence to everybody than nothing would've happened! We would still be happy! Why?! I wondered what he was doing now...Where was he? I knew he hid around 50 pounds in his phone case for emergencies but...It's expensive here in Bristol. 50 pounds would get you a room in a three-star hotel for around two days. That's not including the food. Then again...It wasn't that expensive to get back home...Wait! I bolted up, my blood pumping. Was he leaving me!? The tears started streaming down my face again. Sobbing, I started punching the pillow, hating myself.

"Squid? Hey...I got Stampys number. I could try and get in touch with him. " Martyn said, sitting down beside me.

"Really?" I replied, my voice weak and hoarse. He nodded and pulled out his phone from his pocket. After scrolling though his contacts for a while, which happened to be the most painful eight seconds of my life, he handed me the phone. My hand was shaking madly as I pressed the cold metal to my ear. It rang. One ring. Two ring. Three ring. I started to get a bit scared. What was I going to say to him? The first thing I was going to to was apologise. Apologise then cry....Yea...What was I thinking? That was an horrible idea. Suddenly, the sound of thunder clapping shook me out of my thinking/depressed state. "H-Hello?"

"Squid. What the heck do you want?" Stampy ordered. I stayed silent for a moment, catching my breath.

"I want to apologise. I'm sorry! I'm really sorry Stampy! It's all my fault and you have the right to hate me. Just please...Please come back to the hotel! I miss you..." I managed to croak out. Silent tears were streaming down my face as Martyn watched from the other side of the room. I heard the sound of huffing.

"For the last and final time, it's over! Squid, we're no longer a thing. I don't care about the YouTube videos! And every comment that asks us about you being in one of my videos, I will delete it. I want to wipe you out of my life. You didn't make it that pleasurable anyways. Goodbye." Before I could even take a breath he hung up, leaving the plain beeping noise of the train the last thing I would most likely ever see, or hear of him. I slowly moved the phone away from my ear.

Martyn walked over to me. He did ask me something but I couldn't remember what it was because it was mostly white noise. I got up and walked into Stampys room, where we were talking happily just hours ago. I would kill to hear his laugh again. I rested my head on his bed and breathed in his scent. It was a mixture of mint and the petrol. It may have sounded weird but whenever I smelt this kind of scent I immediately thought of him. That's was probably the last thing I had to remember him now. No knew memories...Nothing.

In the corner of my eye I noticed his suitcase. He must've left it behind. I walked over to it, un-zipped it and opened it up. There was the usual things in there. Clothes, boxers, shoes, socks, normal stuff. But there was a orange draw-string bag stuffed in the corner. Gingerly, I opened it up and tipped the contents onto the bed. There was a green book, two brown, slim boxes, and a small white box, similar to the one you get watched and necklaces in. I decided to open up the green book first.

Inside, there was...Photos. Of me and Stampy. On the first ten pages it was covered in pictures of me and Stampy at the Minecraft convention. Most of them being in the photo booth with Mob or Steve heads over our normal heads. The few others were random pictures taken in the horror hallways, or at the gift shop.

One the next ten pages were the depressing times. Some of them was me in the hospital, believe it or not. But there was a few good ones from school trips and stuff. This one school trip, before our lives started to get bad, was at the Duxford Science show thing. I was sitting on the ground and Stampy was hanging from the tree that I was leaning against. I still remember when he fell out and gotten an almost replica Harry Potter scar on his forehead.

The final ten pages where us recently. Where me and Stampy were at Eurogamer, Rezzed, and America. Why did he bring these with us? I gently closed the book and put it to one side. Inside of the two brown, velvet like boxes, where two photos. One of them was me and Stamps holding a green controller while making a stupid face, and the other one was us by a river in London, when we went on ITV. We were both sitting on a brick wall. My head was resting against his, and he was kissing my head.

For the third time in the last hour I was sobbing again. Did he bring these everywhere? I always remember him bringing this bag around. Why the heck did he bring this everywhere!? To remember me? I think if he got hold of this now he would most likely burn it. In the last and final box in which I opened up was...Razor blades. Two sets of sharp, clean razor blades. Under it was a note. It looked like it had been torn

'I won't use these...I won't! I'll do whatever I can to make Squid happy!' I picked up the blades in my fingers and sat crossed-legged on the floor. I couldn't do it, right? The note was right, whenever Stampy used these I got extremely mad. Then again...We weren't officially going now so he probably won't ever find out. I stood up and made my way to the bathroom, being careful not to disturb Martyn, who was editing in his room.

I closed the door and sat on the cold tile floor. With my shaking hand I pressed the warm metal down in the middle of my forearm and started to slowly grind it over my skin. After about five seconds I pulled it away. It hurt a hell of a lot. How could Stampy actually do this?

Suddenly, the sound of knocking on the front door made me stand up, and run towards it. Even though I knew that it was stupid, and that it couldn't possibly be him, I still hoped it was. When I opened the door though...It was him! It was Stampy! I was about to wrap my arms around him and cry when he pushed past me and went into his bedroom. My only guess was that he was getting his suitcase.

"Squid? Can I talk to you?" I ran behind him, closing the door behind us. I was about to open my mouth to speak when he averted his eyes to my left arm. Crap. Did he...See it? "Squid..." His voice softened slightly. "Why...How did you do this?" I stared down at the ground, my eyes squeezed shut. I felt his hands on my shoulders.

"Just leave. Why are you here? I thought we weren't a thing anymore." I said blankly.

"I...Squid...When I was halfway home I remembered the bag, which you happened to tip out all over the bed. Of course it's filled with memories of you, us. Together! So I started thinking of us. You! I...I had come back. I had to come back to...To thank you. You've done probably the hardest thing we would have to do in our life. And what did I do? Shout. I got angry and you and now...Now look what I've done!" He grabbed my arm and pointed to it. The cut looked pretty deep, the blood staining the floor. "Please...forgive me?"

"Yes! Stamps...Yes..." I was crying now. But they weren't tears of happiness, no. They were tears of joy. Without even thinking I kissed him. He looked a bit shocked but it soon faded away with his smile.

"Anyway...We need to clean this up." He pulled me over to the kitchen and sat me down on one of the chairs. He pulled something out of his suitcase. It was the bandages that I had previously wrapped around his arms last night. There was a sort jab of pain as Stampy sprayed some kind of disinfectant into my cut. "Sorry. It'll stop blood poisoning...If you are starting this then I want you to be safe at least." When he finished wrapping his bandages around me he gently pulled me into our room and sat me down on the edge of his bed, before pushing my bed to create a much larger, double bed.

We spent the rest of the night talking about random stuff, and falling in love again. Though honestly I think we always where. At least I was. Hopefully Stampy was as well.

"So you guys are still a thing?" I bolted upwards. Martyn was standing at the door, leaning on the doorframe,chuckling. I saw that me and Stampy were underneath the covers, my head resting on his chest. Which was odd, considering that he always out his head on my chest. "I'll leave you two be then. By the way, the others don't care that you're dating. They actually think it's kinda cute." With that, he walked out, closing the door tightly behind him. Me and Stampy both sighed in unison before falling back asleep.


Hope you guys enjoyed! This is one of StrangeStorys friends. She told me the password to her account and I uploaded this story. Does she always out an explanation at the end of her stories? Ugh...I don't know! Anyway...She won't be replying to any comments until the 22nd. Yea...Bye? Is that what she says. Oh never mind XD


What The Truth Really Is: Stampy And SquidOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant