Chapter 19: Last Week, Last Day

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Delia's POV

I stared down at my arm, the blade that I was holding tightly in my hand shaking. Why was I so scared? My right arm was already covered up to my shoulder in deep, bloodied cuts. I was suprised that Mrs. Naomi hadn't noticed them yet. If she did ever notice them though she would just laugh at me and not do anything. The cold metal touched and slipped open a small bit of my skin, with bright red blood quickly following after it. A large weight felt like it had been lifted off my back as soon as I saw it. But not enough weight. I did it around five times again. The same routine which I always did. Cut, wait, cut again. It was just the way that I coped.

Their was a sudden knock on the door halfway though the sixth cut, making me jump which made the blade go right around the whole of my arm. Crap. I stared down at my shirt. It was covered in blood. The knock got louder. Quickly, I snatched my black hoodie off from my bed and put it on before opening the door a crack. Standing in the hallway was Rudy, the only male staff member that was here. He was literally the only person that was nice here. He knew about my cut's, about my past, and he never has hit me in the whole of the time that I have been here. 

"Listen, there are two people in the adoption room. They say they want to talk to you. It sound's good." He said, chuckling slightly. "Listen, I know you're a bit scared of talking to people you don't know, but please give these people a go. They seem amazingly kind, and they haven't talked to any other children here. They have their minds set on you. Let's go!" I stood up and followed him up the two more flights of stairs to the top floor, where you weren't allowed to go without adult supervision. It was my first time ever being up here, so I was a little bit excited. Coming from the bottom floor I could see every single teenager and kid stare up at me. As well a few mumbles. 

Rudy gently shoved me into the adoption room, closing the door with a satisfying click behind me. It was only then I started to get extremely nervous. I would have to actually talk to whoever these people where! They weren't in the room at the time, which gave me an uneasy feeling in my stomach. I sat down on one of the uncomfortable chairs and stared out the surprisingly large window into the slighty snowy outside. No wonder why everybody was sitting inside. Nearly everybody would've been outside by now. 

At that moment the two same guys who came in a week ago came into the room. The person that was in the wheelchair was no on crutches with a tube coming out of his nose. I shrunk back in my seat at once, my heart pounding. Where they really serious about adopting me?! Of all people that lived here? I closed my eyes and tried my best to stay calm by counting as quickly as I could to hundred. 

"Hey, so...There's really no point in explaining why we're here. You know why we're here already." The guy without crutches said. "So, my name is David, and this is Joe. In case you're wondering he got hit by a train...Yea...So that's why he looks like that." I guess, David said. 

"Haha, yea. We've decided to adopt you...But you can't actually come with us for at least another week, as we are halfway moving into our new house. As we used to share a house with some of our friends. The house we chose is quite big, is around half a mile away from a secondary school, there is a huge filed literally just a few meters away from it, and it has four bedrooms in it. So you can chose whatever one you want." Joe explained, handing me a few pictures of the house itself. It looked amazing! Much better than this place at least. I really wanted to say thank you yet...I had no idea how to put it into a sentence without sounding insane. 

"So, we know that you don't really talk that much, and your life here has been crap, but don't worry about it. I swear both of us will never lay a finger on you. Unlike that Mrs.Naomi, who I saw tugging on your hair the other day. Anyway, here's a small booklet basically touring the whole of the house. Hopefully you'll like it." I nodded and smiled, before opening my mouth an inch to try and speak. I had to speak! I was going to be spending most of my life with these people.

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