TG Twenty Three

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''Can we talk about the main topic here?'' Baekhyun avoided the question. ''Where is Chanyeol right now and how am I able to clarify everything?''

''Why do you want to clarify everything so bad?''

''Just because.'' Baekhyun said shortly, avoiding eye contact as well.

Kyungsoo rolled his eyes and took Baekhyun's mug, placing it in the dishwasher. He rummaged around în his back, searching for a little notebook. He pulled the little string and opened a certain page. 

''He is in,'' Kyungsoo's fingers were travelling above the words. ''Here. It's somewhere in nowhere, a quiet place to finish business.''

''It isn't that far from here!'' Baekhyun cheered after typing the address to google maps.''

''Yes,'' Kyungsoo confirmed. ''What did you expect, a different country? This isn't any ordinary story, Baekhyun. Iyeol wrote this, don't expect too much cliche from her.''

''You're right, great author.''

At home he packed his luggage, getting ready for the next day. Baekhyun didn't exactly know what was expecting him, but he didn't seem to care too much about it. He sat in front of his mac book, scrolling through the supporting comments, clicking on some profiles of his for more chapter craving readers. He wrote them a message, saying 

Hi guys! I know I haven't been active lately, but believe me when I say I do have my reasons! I noticed that you guys have been liking my new blog but I have to tell you guys something. The fuckboy in this story, isn't a fuckboy in real life. You know that I actually don't change anything except the names, but I misunderstood a lot. To be real, I still don't understand a lot. The only think I know is that I misunderstood him and his situation. To keep things short, I am about to apologize to him for everything I did wrong and starting with that I will delete the first parts that I already wrote. Your BBH

With a light smile and a good feeling, he clicked on the post. Baekhyun was aware that his fans won't like that, of course, it would be annoying if a story you like gets deleted, but he was okay with it, at least for now. The only thing he cared for right now was what he should do once he meets Chanyeol. 

He threw himself on his bed, analysing his crush for Chanyeol. He obviously had one, no need to deny that. Baekhyun just didn't know how to handle it all. What was he about to do? Go to Chanyeol and say. ''Hey, Chanyeol. Me? Just walking but. Oh, since you're here, I just wanted to apologize once again for everything, I didn't use you. It's even kinda the opposite. I started to ignore my blog and just focused on you, because, well, I think I have feelings for you.''

That's exactly what he said when he just arrived at the house in the middle of the woods and found Chanyeol standing right in front of him.

''Could you repeat that??'' Chanyeol said with widened eyes, open mouth and heavy breathing.

''Repeat what?'' The poor Baekhyun wasn't even aware of what he just said. It took him a few seconds to reply the past words that just escaped his lips. That's where it hit him.

He began an inner monologue, realizing that he spent the last few days searching for Chanyeol and that he just had found him and was now standing in front of a house door of Chanyeol's in middle of the woods. He begged him to come outside and talk and that's where Baekhyun began talking bullshit like he always does.

''Chanyeol, wait. I didn't mean to say that.''

''I actually hope you did.'' Chanyeol said, a little calm.

''I mean, it's not like it is not true, but that's not the reason why I came here.'' He didn't know where to start. ''Kyungsoo told me what happened!'' He burst out. ''About your ex-boyfriend.''

Chanyeol's eyes were on the ground, his mood just shot down. 

''I think for some reason that I can understand you a little more, but Chanyeol all of this wasn't worth doing all that all along.'' Baekhyun took a step forward. ''You sacrificed so much, no one can relate to this. You didn't take any care of your needs. You really should stop that. I also realized that you were afraid that it will happen again, that's why you ignored me.''

''Wow, you realized that? To be honest I thought you didn't even realize anything since you spend a great time with your friend Sehun.''            

The two realized that they had a lot to talk about, so Chanyeol politely invited him for a walk together through the woods.

Step by step they walked through the green ambient. No one was really sure of where to continue. Was are they even supposed to discuss, what was their goal after this conversation.

''So-'' Both started ''You first'' they said and pointed at each other, giggling.

Baekyhun just nodded and began talking. ''So, you know that I am here to apologize and clarify, that I never wanted to play with your feelings in first place. It all happened so fast, I never thought there would be that much behind all this. I only wanted something new for my blog, but look at me know. Apologizing and I don't even know for what exactly and most importantly having feelings for someone I just got to know.''

Chanyeol just smiled lightly, starring at the ground. ''You don't need to apologize all the time, I don't know why but I don't think that you're the type to hurt people on purpose.'' He shook his head. ''The part with having feelings. .'' He paused for a little before letting out a chuckle. ''I, myself, never expected to fall for someone, but I can't help and won't fight against it, I guess.''

''Chanyeol, I didn't mean to ignore you or hurt your feelings with you seeing me and Sehun, your mother-''

''I already knew.'' Chanyeol cut his words. ''At least I thought about it. She never believed in me in that way. My mother doesn't realize that it is possible to lead a company without being the coldhearted jerk like in every single romance genre.''

Baekhyun nodded, Chanyeol was right. ''I don't even expect her to do that anymore. The reason why I am here is to finish some paper things so I can officially leave the company. I won't fit there, I want to work with people but still, have my peace and most importantly I want to do something I love.'' Chanyeol concluded.

''Maybe all that with someone I love. . .?''


Last chap is on its way!

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