TG Nineteen

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It was a kindly autumn day, leaves were falling down, covering the streets. Baekhyun was heading down the high street, following the instructions of google maps, not knowing where to go. Mrs Park texted his mother hours after the call the address and that it should stay secret. 

Looking at Mrs Park's face wasn't probably the smartest idea. She was upset, her steps went from two steps to the right, straight to two to the left. It was obvious that she was mad, but the reason wasn't clear until the following minutes.

''Mrs Park?'' Baekhyun whispered for an unknown reason.

She turned her head towards him, breathing in. ''Baekhyun.'' She walked towards him, grabbing his left and right arm.  ''I- Chanyeol.'' The worried mother didn't know where to start. ''I can't believe this happened. I tried so hard, but still.''

Baekhyun softly wrapped his slim fingers around hell forearm, softening her grip around his shoulders. ''Please, breath first, calm down. I don't understand a thing, you need to explain it all one by one.'' He was worried about her, in the end, she was an old lady.  But she shook her head. ''No,'' she replied. ''You need to explain things to me. Follow me.''

That's what he did. Both entered an empty building. Mrs Park explained to him that this was the place where Chanyeol's father usually did the private conversations with his co-workers, but that was not the most important thing right now. They sat on chairs, probably the only furniture in this building. 

''What happened between you and Chanyeol?''

''I really don't know what you mean.'' He really didn't, kinda.

''I will not ask you again, Byun Baekhyun.''

The power of a mother speaking out the full name of someone got over Baehyun, so he began speaking. ''I-I really don't know.'' He stuttered. ''He just came up to me and ended the fake relationship we had, he didn't name me any reason Mrs Park. I even thought that it was maybe you who told him to, but that wouldn't make any sense.''

She let out a sigh, walking in circles, she took every step slowly, massaging her temples.

''You didn't even tell me what happened,'' Baekhyun spoke up carefully. ''Did something happen?''

''Did something happen?'' She stopped walking and looked at him. ''You really think I would do all this if nothing had happened?''

The place got quiet afterwards. Mrs Byun wasn't aware of how she could explain the issue, the problem, every little thing with only a few words. Without telling too much about every little thing. At the end, there is no reason for him to know everything about the park family, or her son. She skipped a lot of thoughts in her head, a lot of situation she went through, back to the main reason why she started all this. Why she brought Baekhyun to her family.

Once again she took a seat in front of him, legs crossed. fingers intertwined, palms resting on her knees. 

''I think I owe you an explanation.'' She started.

''Ah, you think?'' Mrs Park gave him a glare, causing him to apologize. ''I'm sorry.''

''Baekhyun, love is something that has no place in our family. Well, let's say we are more of a company, not a family. Obviously, we and my husband had issues educating our children ups like let.'' Baekhyun raised his eyebrows. ''Chanyeol has an older brother, he probably never mentioned him, right?'' Baekhyun nodded.

A bitter smile was plastered on her face. ''He was going to be the next CEO of our little company, you already know how these things work. To come straight to the point. There is a reason why ever little love story consists of a cold and heartless CEO, otherwise, you can't run a company. Your job is your life, working is what keeps you going on. Love is only a distraction in life. You should love your company, not a human being.''

''Our eldest son was a perfect CEO, Baekhyun, probably the best we could have, a copy of his own father. But of course he experienced the world of love, the feeling of up and downs and all of it included he didn't take care of the company, he didn't suit the world of work.'' She paused a little, thinking. ''Then. . .'' Her voice softened. ''He left, for her. With her.''

''Chanyeol was the only one who could lead the company, so we tried to learn from our mistakes. We told him to break up with the person he loved the most, his current boyfriend at that time.''

Hearing the words from Mrs Park's mouth, speaking about Chanyeol's past love hurt him a little. Chanyeol really did love someone, for real.

''To be honest, I don't know what happened, but Chanyeol got depressed for a few months. We told him he couldn't love anymore, he shouldn't be feeling more than friendship towards someone. That's where I allowed him to have his fun with a few people. I mean, he is a grown man instead. I actually was afraid of him getting an asshole, excuse my language, and with that ruining our name, but he didn't. With the few weeks he spent with those people, he fulfilled his everlasting wish to be a good boyfriend.''

That was too much information at once, Baekhyun felt confused.''

''The wish became an obsession, he always obeyed them, like a dog, he didn't act like a leader. I needed a few months to realize that, so I called you. To make him realize that he shouldn't let himself be treated like a street dog and to show them that he is a boss. It didn't work.''

Baekhyun looked at her. ''What do you mean?''

''What I mean is that you were successful at the point that he doesn't see you as one of his toys, where he spoils them. But you failed at another big, big point, Byun Baekhyun.''

Baekhyun waited for her to continue.

''After that night, Chanyeol came and the only thing he said was I am not going to date anymore ever.''

''Isn't that what you wanted? I don't get your point.''

''My point is.'' she stood up. ''That he meant that he is not going to date anyone but you.'' Silence filled the place once again. Baekhyun had to analyse what she just said. ''My son is in love with you, Byun Baekhyun, and you have to change that as soon as possible.''


Guys:(( Sorry

I will finish this story next week, promise!!

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