TG Eleven

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Baekhyun woke up with a strange feeling in his right arm, he couldn't move it properly. He probably slept in some weird position. With the clock showing that it is ten A.M Baekhyun stood up from the bed, heading towards the hallways where he was searching for the bathroom.

''Good morning, Mr. Byun'' Kyungsoo greeted him.

''Oh, good morning, Kyungsoo.''

''The family Park is already expecting you downstairs.''

''Oh, they are? Eh, where is the bathroom again?''

Kyungsoo began walking. ''Follow me.'' He said and lead the way. Baekhyun arrived together with Kyungsoo the bathroom. Kyungsoo left and Baekhyun went inside. He was told that there are always unused toothbrushes he could use. Ten minutes later he walked downstairs, seeing everyone sitting at the table.

''I'm sorry, did I keep you waiting?''

''No no you didn't'' Mrs. Park said which calmed Baekhyun. ''Please take a seat.''

Baekhyun nodded and took a seat at the chair he sat yesterday as well, infront of him Chanyeol who just began eating. Did I really hurt his feelings? Baekhyun  thought and grabbed the fork. He raised his arm, well, atleast he tried to but he couldn't. Without gaining any attention he changed the forks position into the palm of his left hand and tried eating as normal as possible.

''Baekhyun?'' a voice oulled him out of his thoughts.


''How was the night here, was the room comfortable enough?'' Mrs. Park asked.

''Oh, yes yes, the bed was really comfy Mrs. Park. Thank you for letting me stay here last night.''

''No problem no problem!'' She repeated. ''You can stay here as much as you want.''

Baekhyun glanced over to Chanyeol, somehow he expected him to agree and tell Baekhyun that he should stay here more often, but he was poorly getting ignored by the taller one. He only smiled, words weren't the things that would suit this situation. At the end there is no real reason for him to stay here. He was not the real boyfriend, nor a friend in general. 

The breakfast ended, Baekhyun didn't know what to do, so he just walked upstairs and grabbed his clothes, ready to leave. He took of the shirt Chanyeol gave him and was about to pull over his shirt, when the door suddenly swung open. Baekhyun let out a scared scream, not too loud. It was Chanyeol, in his hand a towel. He walked straight up to Baekhyun.

''Ever heared of privacy?'' Baekhyun said but yelped when Chanyeol placed the warm towel on his right shoulder. ''Ouch, Chanyeol!''

''Be quiet for once, please.'' Chanyeol pleaded. ''Hold this, it should relax your muscles.'' Baekhyun looked up to Chanyeol, staring into his eyes. ''You noticed??' He asked. ''Do you think I'm blind?'' Chanyeol responded sassily. 

Silence filled the room, Baekhyun felt awkward, because it was awkward. The words ''I'm sorry.'' were leaving Baekhyun's mouth. Chanyeol didn't respond first. ''It's fine.'' 

''No, I really am sorry, Chanyeol.'' 

Chanyeol stopped pressing the towel against Baekhyun's skin, giving him the permission to wear his shirt. ''I'll place the clothes here.'' Baekhyun said quietly. ''I'm leaving now.''

''Wait, let me drive you home.'' Chanyeol suggested.

The radio was playing, no one talked. That's what Baekhyun tried to change with saying ''Chanyeol, I don't want to sound rude or open the topic once again, but why did you get angry at me for saying something that. .  Like maybe the things I said are not true, but if you are aware of you having way too lots of boyfriends, why do you keep doing this?''He just hoped that Chanyeol would understand what he was trying to say.

''Let me tell you something, Baekhyun.'' He began. ''There are different type of people when it comes to things like that. Some of them start a lot of relationships so they can fulfil their needs, some don't even bother having relationships and just sleep with them or whatever. Can you follow so far?''

Baekhyun nodded.

''Well and then there are the once, that are trying to fill a some kind of hole in their heart, with stuffing a lot of people in it. Some do it with having relationships with them, spending time, making them happy so they know they have a purpose, others do that with having any kind of intercourse or whatever so forget the world for a specific time.''

They arrived at Baekhyun's house, but Baekhyun kept sitting, listening to him carefully. 

''People never do something without having anything reason for it. Being in a relationship and buying someone something or going somewhere they want to go, making them happy, makes someone feel wanted and useful. Maybe you can't relate to something like this, maybe you're able to heal yourself by yourself, not needed anyone or anything. That's a good thing, I'm happy for you if you're able to do so, but I'm not.'' he said.

''Neither is your mother.'' Chanyeol added, making Baekhyun widen his eyes.

''I don't know her for too long, but I could feel it. The emptiness in er smile and imagining hearing from her son things like that, the only person she has must have been very hurtful. You're one of the things that isn't temporary in her heart, you are one of the things that fulfil the emptiness for forever.''

Chanyeol sighed. ''But what do I know.'' He said and chuckled. ''I am someone who let's himself being used, someone who doesn't know what love is rather from giving but nothing more, right?'' He shook his head slowly. ''You all really think I am that dumb? I probably am, but stopping isn't an option right now.''

Pain filled Baekhyun's heart as if something heavy was placed on it, he felt sorry and guilty. ''What did cause the emptiness of your heart Chanyeol?'' He asked straightforward. Chanyeol only looked at the glass window in front of him. 

''I don't feel like talking about it right now.''

Baekhyun nodded and opened the car door. He didn't say goodbye nor turned around to look if Chanyeol was watching him. He walked towards the housedoor, opening it and entering his house.

''Baekhyun?'' His mother stood up and walked slowly towards him.

''Mom. .'' Baekhyun's steps fastened and he hugged her tightly ''I'm sorry.''


Two things.


I knwo that Chanyeol is most of the time the character who has a bad past in most of my stories, but that's not because I'm not creative or whatever, it has it's purpose.In my eyes Chanyeol (In reallife) is the more vulnerable one, who really had a bad past (cause of his weight, whatsoever) and I think that a Fanfiction shouldn't only be based on the names but also on the characters and as someone who analysis Chanabaek I think Baekhyun is the one supporting him and the one who doesn't get depressed or doesn't know how to be (His own words)Another thing is, that most FF are based on Chanbaeks looks, Chanyeol bad/fuckboy boss Baek Girly/sassy/victim therefore Baekhyun was the player at the school when he was young.

I know that most of you mostly won't care or you will go ''I will support you'' then you won't, which is fine, this always happens to me I'm used to it but I'll still tell you. 
I'm probably about to publish some day (After finishing this story) a straight GirlxBoy story which isn't related to any kpop idols, I once did that with chanyeolxreader or jungkookxreader but I want to try it in that way for once too because want to challenge myself as an author.
My thoguhts were if I should create a second account. This one for FF and the other for GxB?

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