Chapter 15: IFHY

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I heard like 10 atrocious bangs on my front door. I quickly hopped off the couch, looking through the window, seeing it was Tyler. There was nothing but hate, rage and acrimony in his eyes. I was scared as fuck.

"Oh fuck." Eddy said, hiding behind me.

"What the hell?" I moved from in front of him, "You're supposed to be protecting me!"

"Not when it comes to Tyler! He's angry as fuck right now, anything could happen!"

"Shit.." I said beneath my breath, running up stairs. "Don't open it, Eddy!" I screamed as he continued to bang on the door.

"If I don't open it, he's going to break it down himself!" He yelled.

Fuck my life, dude! I scrambled around my room, in search of a secure hiding place. I could tell I wasn't safe, anymore. There were no legit hiding spaces besides the closet and the bathroom but that was cliche as fuck, he'd surly find me if I hid in there.


I had no choice but to open it, because if I didn't, he'd break that shit down. Tyler's capable of a lot of shit most people don't know about. When he's angry, he turns into the Incredible Hulk.

I had little time left. Should I open it, or should I let him do it himself? Fuck it. Either way, I'm screwed.

I opened the door and was immediately greeted by a fist. My vision began fucking up on me. All I was able to see was him hovering over me and screaming.

"Where is she?! I know she's here! I just saw you bitches locking lips!" He screamed over and over.

Fuck. Hopefully she's safe. I knew I should've gotten out of here when I had the chance.

"I don't know, man!" I yelled, spitting up blood, "She ran off when she saw it was you!"

"Fuck you!" He growled at me, kicking my slash. It hasn't fully healed yet so it hurt like a motherfucker.

I couldn't move. At all. That one blow to my side, finished me completely. The doctor said not to put too much pressure on it, but that's out the window. That bitch kicks hard as fuck!

He went off to search the house for any evidence of her. I hope she's in a safe place because she has another thing coming.


"Where are you, slut!? Where are you?!" I heard him scream outside.

I was hiding in the towel closet, right next to the bathroom. I couldn't find any place else. All the other spots were out in the open.

"I'm going to find your slut ass! And when I do-" I saw him flip my bed over through the little shades.

He's tearing my room apart!

"I'm going fuck you up!" He finished, knocking everything off my dresser.

Where the fuck is Eddy?

He began breaking everything. As soon as I saw him pick up my family portrait, I flipped. I jumped out the closet, screaming.

"Put it down, you bitch!" I snatched it away from him.

Most of my family was on the other side of the earth, so that was my only item I had left of them.

"Found you, slut." He crept towards me as I backed into a corner. Cliché as fuck.

"Stop! You can't hurt me! I'm pregnant, remember?!" If he kills me, he's killing our child.

Out of nowhere, his whole attitude softened.

"Why? I've been nothing but a fucking g-good...boyfriend-..." His words quickly faded out as he realized what he had just uttered to me.

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