Chapter 18: Tamale (1/3)

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What the hell? How did all these marks get here? Plus, there was like 50 of them that cloaked his whole upper body! They were all beet-red so they must've been fresh. Who could've done this?

"What the fuck?! What happened?!" I panicked.

He shushed me, "Shh, Zo. Calm down."

"What do you mean ''calm down''?! You have scars all over! Who did this?!" I nagged him for an answer.

"Zoe, chill. Could we get back to what we were doing?" He gently held my waist.

I put my hands over his, "No, not until you tell me happened!"

"I did this for you, that's how much you mean to me. So, could you just-"

"That's nice and all but that still doesn't tell me what happened." I brushed my finger against one of his scars as he flinched.

"I'm not going to tell you. I don't want you to worry and shit." He swatted my hand away, "And don't touch, it still hurts like hell."

"But-" He leaned forward, kissing my lips to shut me up.

His tongue had already began exploring my mouth so I couldn't speak, nor pull away if I tried.

He flipped me on my back and began stripping himself and I. Tyler was always good at multitasking when it came to these type of things. After we were both naked and invading one another's space, he slipped his shaft inside, going at a steady pace. He'll have even more scars on his back if he keeps this up.

He kissed my neck a few times and whispered, "I'm so sorry. For everything."

I pulled his face towards mine and kissed his sweet, juicy lips, "It's ok, I promise." I managed to moan out.

I had to accept all of his screw-ups. I had to move on from it because there was nothing I could do. I just hope things turn out for the best.

Shortly after, we both came and collapsed next to each other. I was worn out after that round, Tyler had me going for about an hour. I switched positions while he snaked his arm around my waist.

My eyes slowly began to shut until he opened his mouth and softly spoke.

"I can't wait for you to see your surprise, baby girl."


I had to get an early start this morning. The wolves and I had to meet up at the lake at 5am to set a few more things up. It's 4:44 now, so I had to hurry up, get dressed and go. I made sure I was quiet and cautious, I didn't want to wake Zoe. I had to dip before she had a chance to find out I was gone.

I made my way over to the forest and heard loud laughter and cussing. That must be them. At least they're there on time, that's all I asked for.

I got there and immediately admired all the hard work they've done. Everything looked pretty damn good.

"Shit, this looks good as fuck!" I said, greeting everyone.

Damn, they even got Lucas, Cedric Hodgy and Brain to come through. That's real. I'm surprised Brain and Hodgy even showed up, they're usually doing something way more important than setting up a party. Hodgy even brought lil' Trenton with him, too. I could tell this party was going to be fun as fuck. All my wolves are by my side and I could properly tell Zoe that I'm sorry.

My job wasn't done just yet. I had to invite a few more people. Sarah and Eddy. Since I've sat through Sarah's brutal whippings, she agreed to come to the party and possibly apologize to Zoe, while I had to do the same to Eddy. I was stuck in my feelings, Eddy probably didn't fuck. I had to make things right with him because he's a fellow wolf. I sent him a text and he said he'd be there. Cool. Hopefully, Zoe likes all of this. I'm still a bit skeptical about inviting Sarah. I hope nothing goes down between them. I'd hate for them to ruin the whole party.

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