Chapter 24: Untitled

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She still hasn't shown up. Now I'm at my breaking point and so is Cherry. We've tried everything & she's still nowhere to be found. I'm nervous, scared and a bit mad. Why the fuck would she just run away?!

It's like 10:45am. That's right, Cherry & I have been searching every since 5:30pm last night! We've decided to head back to the house. My legs are fucking killing me.

She collapsed onto the couch & began crying.

"This is bad." She cried into her hands, "We've searched for hours and she still hasn't shown up. What if she really is gone?"

I sat besides her & rubbed her back, "Don't say that, I'm sure she's somewhere..."

Fuck that. I know she's gone myself. I feel really fucking bad because something's telling me, she left because of us.

"Aye, don't you ever think she probably left because of us?" I asked.

"Why would she do that?" She picked her head up & looked at me.

"Because... She probably seen us kiss." I said, looking down into my lap.

"That's impossible! You said she was nowhere in sight!"

"I say a lot of things.. Just because I didn't see her doesn't mean she wasn't there."

"So you're tell me she's seen her sister and boyfriend kiss?!" She screamed, standing up.

"Maybe, I'm not saying it was true."

"Ugh." She sat back down, "I can't believe that."

"Why else would she leave then?"

"I don't know... Maybe..."

"You know that shit is true." I stood up, walking towards the staircase, "I'm upstairs if you need me."

I went upstairs into her room & jumped on the bed. Her sweet aroma still laced up the sheets. I rolled to the side & looked through her drawers. Maybe there's evidence on her whereabouts in there. I ended searching her whole room & still came up with nothing. All I found was expensive body lotions, perfume & clothes.

"Fuck!" I screamed.

"Are you ok, Tyler?" Cherry called from downstairs.

"I'm fine, just a little frustrated." I responded, looking out the window.

I couldn't help but notice the bushes began shifting. What the fuck? I looked closer & they suddenly stopped. Creepy.

I went to go investigate. Who the hell could be lurking in some bushes this time of morning?

I went to the bushes & just stood there, waiting for anymore unusual movement. Nothing.

As soon as I turned around to go inside, someone pulled a sack over me & knocked me over the head with something. My vision kicked in & out as I finally collapsed.


Gerard & I went to the back of the hotel to wait for the wolves. Today's the day we talk a few things over about these awkward occurrences.

About 15 minuets in, they arrived. I couldn't help but notice I never saw Travis. Oh well, maybe he's just running late. We greeted each other & went straight to business.

"What's wrong now?" Lionel asked, leaning against the wall.

"Yeah, we better not be here to throw another party. My cuts are still healing." Thebe complained.

I laughed, "No, not at all. In fact, it's something completely different." I took out my phone, showing them the hate messages. "Do any of you know that number?"

"Nope." Na'kel said as everyone agreed.

"Wait, why are they threatening you?" Jasper asked.

"I don't know. Gerard and I think it's Sarah but we don't know who the other person is."

"And that's where you guys come in." Hodgy said. "We need to set a plan up."

"But Sarah's pregnant, we can't hurt her. Tyler would kill us." Dominique said while he shook his head.

"We don't have to hurt her. Like I said before, let's just wait for them to strike first. We'll see what we're up against."

Just then, Travis ran up to us huffing & puffing.

"Dude, they took Tyler! They took Tyler!" He screamed, catching his breath.

"What?!" We yelled.

"Yes, they took Tyler! They socked him and dragged him away!"

"Where?" Gerard asked.

"I don't know! I was on my way here and I witnessed the whole thing!"

"Then why didn't you do something!?" I asked.

"Because I was in shock! What was I supposed to do?! They looked like they would've dragged me away too if I tried to help him!"

I shook my head and sighed.

"How many people were there?" Jasper asked.

"Just two." He responded, wiping his face with his shirt.

"Who were they?" Domo asked.

"I couldn't see! They were in all-black!"

"Shit. C'mon we have to find them! Lead the way, Travis." Gerard said as we all trailed behind him.

Just great, Tyler went missing. I hate him so much right now but I hope he's ok.

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