Chapter 27: Thisniggaaintfunnyatall

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I heard a bang then Tyler screamed for dear life. I rushed over to him, in search of a wound of some sort. I checked his chest, arms & stomach but still came up with nothing.

"Where did you get hit?!" I continued feverishly checking him.

"In my leg! In my fucking leg, dammit!" He screamed, squirming around.

"Nigga, quit moving!" Dominique commanded, rolling up Tyler's jeans, "It's only going to make things worse!"

"Dude, this shit fucking hurts! Get me to a goddamn hospital already!" He screamed.

Dominique checked his gash, "Fuck, this shit is deep! Lionel, go get the damn car! We need to go!"

Everyone scattered, as well as Sarah & Eddy, but no worries. We'll be seeing them soon. At least I will.

Lionel pulled up & they frantically hopped in while I stayed back. I didn't want to go for my innumerable reasons. I'm very thankful the bullet didn't hit a major organ or anything in that nature. Even though I hate him, I still wish him the best.

I hope he doesn't think this whole episode makes up for what he's done. As a matter of fact, I may not even visit him in the hospital. It's too soon. I'll probably just ask the wolves how he's doing from time to time. I know he'll heal over time, it's just a bullet in his leg.

I finally decided to go home even though I didn't want to see my sister's face at all, right now. Those two disgust me. Come to think of it, I should kick her ass out. She could stay at a damn motel or some shit.

I unlocked the door & she darted over to me, "Where the fuck were you?! You had us so worried!" She examined me for cuts and/or bruises.

I moved away from her, "Don't touch me." I walked upstairs.

"But-" She stood at the bottom of the staircase, looking up at me.

"No, shut up! Get your shit and go!" I scowled at her.

"But, Zoe! My house isn't finished!"

"I don't give a damn! Your ass could stay at a motel until it is."

"W-Why are you doing this?!"

"Because I seen you and Tyler kiss." I folded my arms.

Her mouth opened but nothing came out. She looked down & just stood there, motionless.

I laughed, "And all that time, it never occurred to you to come clean, hasn't it?"

"Zoe, I'm sorr-"

"No, I'm so fucking over you right now. You could just leave. Don't let the door hit'cha on the way out." I turned my back.

I slammed my room door as hard as I could & collapsed onto the bed. I feel so fucking alone.


So it's been a whole two days I've been in the hospital. Of course my wolves came in to check on me yesterday, now I'm just waiting for them to visit today. This basic, white room makes me want to jump out of the window and possibly break another leg.

It just bugs me that Zoe hasn't shown up yet. I don't even think she will, honestly and I deserved it. But damn, a nigga is in the hospital! At least come in and sit for a few minuets, it doesn't even have to be a whole 5 minuets. I just want her here with me.

I heard the door knob twist. What if it's Zoe? She came! She fucking came! I looked up seeing it was only the wolves. Fuck.

"How ya feelin', nigga?" Dominique sat in the chair besides me.

"Emotionally, bad. Physically, good." I said, easing myself up.

He laughed, "I'm not even going to ask what happened. Too much drama in ya' life right now."

"I agree." I shrugged.

"Well, nigga. Where's Zoe? Did she come today?" Thebe asked, leaning against the wall.

"Nope. She didn't come yesterday, either."

"Damn, you must've really fucked up... again."

I slowly nodded, "Have any of you seen her?"

"Nope." They all said.

"I haven't seen her ever since that incident in the woods." Na'kel said.

"Well, if you see her today, tell her I said to visit me."

"Can't ya' just call?" Brain asked.

"I've already did that. No answer."

He laughed, "'Cause she knows it's yo' ass tryna' call her."

"Shut up." I cracked a smile at him.

The wolves made me feel a lot better, but it wasn't enough. I needed Zoe.


I needed to get out of this house. It haunted me so badly. When ever I'd step foot into the living room, I see them sitting on the couch & kissing.

I grabbed my skateboard & left. I couldn't stay there another minuet.

It had just finished raining so it smelt delightful outside. I'm a sucker for rain. The street lights began flickering on since what was left of the sun finally went away.

Over time, I ended up at the skatepark. Come to think of it, there was no where else to really go.

I skated around for bit, making a few attempts to Ollie over rails & stuff. The last attempt was a major fail. I slipped off my board & hit the ground.

I heard someone laugh then I saw a figure approach me and hold out it's hand, "Are you ok?"

"Ugh, yeah I'm fine." I put my hand in his, lifting myself up. "Don't laugh, that shit actually hurt." I dusted myself off.

"Sorry, dude. I couldn't help it. Looks like you need some help on your ollies." He laughed.

I giggled, "Um, maybe but not from a stranger."

"Oh, well I'm Cedric. And you are?"

"I'm Zoe." I dusted my butt off.

Cedric & I had a lot of fun today. He's really cool actually. It got late so we exchanged numbers & said good bye. This is exactly what I needed. Time away from that house & a new friend.

[ New book; "Pigs". Please read & vote. 😬 ]

Splatter (Tyler, the Creator) Book 2.Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz