Chapter 17: Inside of Clouds

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She had me strip out of my shirt before we could to anything else.

I walked in the room and saw a whip resting in the middle of the bed. What kind of kinky shit is this bitch into?

"Sit." She demanded.

I did as told and looked at her funny, "What is this shit for?" I asked, referring to the whip.

"You'll find out soon enough." She took up the whip, "This is how it's going to go, I'm going to ask you questions and you must answer them, ok? Choose your words wisely."

This seems easy, but why the hell does she have a whip?

"Ok....start." I said.

"You remember when you used to like me?"


"What went through your mind every time you saw me?"

"Um... I always thought I couldn't live without you... But I don't feel that way anymore because you're a fucking insane nut."

She whipped the shit out of my chest and it hurt like a motherfucker! It left a faint scar, but it was so damn painful.

"Dude, what the fuck!?" I screamed at her.

"That's the wrong answer, Ty! I said choose your words wisely!"

"I should slap the shit out of you." I glared at her.

"Can't. If you do that, I'll surly do the same to Zoe."

Fuck. What type of gay ass blackmail shit is this? She had me cornered. She's good.

"Fuck.." I said beneath my breath. "So you want me to lie to you?"

"I wouldn't call it lying, just tell me something I want to hear. You have a second chance to answer that question correctly."

"...I thought you were pretty as fuck and...and I wanted to get in your pants from the start.... and..."


"You need to go to the nut house." I said, lowly.

"What?!" She screamed, whipping me twice.

This time she got me in the back since I had rolled over.

"Ok! Ok! Chill! I said, you were the only one I ever wanted!"

"Not quite what I wanted, but it'll do. Next question, who's better in bed? Me or Zoe?"

I busted out laughing, "Are you seriously going to ask me that?"

"Nigga, just speak."

"Ok, ok..." I wiped my tears away, "Do you really want to know?"

She rolled her eyes and nodded.

"Z-" before I had a chance to finish, she whipped the shit out of me, again!

"Ouch! Fuck!" I fell off the bed, rolling around on the floor.

"How many fucking times do I have to tell you to choose your words wisely?!" She screamed.

"You didn't give me a chance to finish, bitch!" I held my arm, "I was going to say Zoe's not good in bed, you are!" I lied through my teeth.

I had to lie, it was the only way. I almost choked durning that sentence, too.

"O-Oh... Anyways, this is the final question. Who's sexier?"

I swear, she wants me to get whipped.

Splatter (Tyler, the Creator) Book 2.Where stories live. Discover now