Chapter 29: Untitled

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Cedric came in and my face immediately lit up. Dude, I fucking missed this guy. It's about time he came back from the islands.

I eased myself up and gave him a hug. Fuck it, I don't care if I came off as sus. He's my fucking nigga, nigga.

"Ugh, fuck. I'm so fucking happy." I laughed, taking his image in.

"I know, dude." He laughed, sitting down. "Your ears got bigger, nigga!"

"And you're more of a faggot since the last time I've seen you." We busted into laughter.

Gooooood times.

"How'd you manage to fuck up your leg, though?" He poked at my foot.

"Some crazy shit happened." I wiggled my toes around.

It hurt like hell but whatever.

"Did you like trip or something? Like what the hell happened?"

"Nigga, I just said crazy shit happened. Long story short, I got a bullet in my leg. No questions asked."

"Fuck... But-"

"No questions! Enough about me, tell me a lil' somethin' about you."

"Man, I'm just living. What's up with you? Any new bitches?" He nudged my shoulder & smirked.

I laughed, "Yeah, kinda.. It's complicated right now. We're working shit out, I guess. What about you?"

"Actually, yeah. After I came back, I went to the skate park and met her there."

"Oh, that's cool. Skater girl, huh?"

"Yeah, man. I really feel like taking things to the next level, though. Like I feel so squishy and loved-up around her. No sus." He added.

"That was pretty sus but go for it, dude. Appreciate what you have because before you know it, shit will go sideways."

"Thanks, man. I will."

Him and I talked for 30 more minuets until visiting hours were over. He left and I settled back down, staring up at the ceiling. Lucky him. He found love. It's time for me to patch mine up. Ugh, to this day I hate myself for it. I have to get over it and move on. Hopefully she'll forgive me, again.

I should be out of here tomorrow. I have to put a cast on though, I'm not too stoked about that. No more skateboarding, no more running, no more funky dancing. Nothing. In fact, the nurses are here to put it on right now.

"Good evening, Tyler." She spoke, setting her clipboard down as the second nurse trailed in behind her.

"Sup." I waved.

"We'll be putting your cast on, today. Any specific color you'd like?"

I thought for a second... I got it!

"I want pink!" I cheesed.

She laughed, "Cute."

Within 10 or less minuets, my pink cast was on. It looked so fucking cool. She handed me a marker and told me it was for the visitors to sign my cast. Fuck visitors, I'll sign this shit myself. I began drawing dicks, cats & a whole lot of other random shit. When I was finished, it looked like a masterpiece. I'm such an artist.

It got a bit late so I laid down in fetal position & just thought about shit. Zoe. Geez, why can't I get her out of my head? Fuck, I wonder if Cherry's still at her house. Hopefully not. I couldn't deal with the awkwardness.


It's 12am now, I'm just about ready to settle down for bed. Early, I know but I want to he fully rested to go out with Cedric tomorrow. I don't know where we're going, all he said was "It's a surprise." & I'm eager as fuck to know.

With that, I went to sleep with Cedric racing through my mind.

I woke up & went straight into the shower. I came out then darted into my closet, searching for a cute outfit. I continued scoping out my closet until my phone buzzed on the bed. I grabbed it & read the text from Ced; "Get dressed, nigga. I'll be over in a few."

Just great. I haven't even decided what I was going to do with my hair. Fuck it. I pulled on my ripped jeans & my white oversized tee with my white platforms. Whatever. I ended up putting my hair into a high bun. As soon as I was finished, Cedric was already at my door. I grabbed my keys & phone then went downstairs.

I opened the door and smiled, "Hey, Ced."

"Hey, Zoe." He hugged me. "Ready?"

"Yeah." I shut the door behind me and hopped into his car with him.

"Where are we going, dude?" I looked out the window.

"You'll see, just relax." He put his hand on my thigh & gave it a negligible rub.

I almost melted.

"O-Ok." I blushed.

It took about 20 minuets for us to get there. It looked like an arcade. Aw, how cute?

I got out with him & went inside. We got our wristband thingies & went over to the games.

"This is cute, Cedric." I smiled, pinching his cheek.

He chuckled, "What's cute?"

"You bringing me to this arcade. I feel seventeen, again."

"What can I say? I'm quite the charmer." He bit his lip at me.

This boy needs to stop, haha.

We played games for hours. Of course I needed up having more tickets than Ced because I'm just awesome like that, haha.


Hours ago, I came home and saw Zoe hop into someone's car. Their windows were tinted so I couldn't see anything. What the fuck? That better be a fucking girl behind the wheel or hell will break loose.


Cedric & I ended up going back to his house. His house is really big and nice. He lives all by himself, too.

"So, how's your friend doing?" I sat on the couch, crossing my legs.

"He's fine." He sat besides me. "What about your friend?"

"Eh, he's fine I guess. I don't really care." I candidly said.

"Shit, I guess he isn't a friend after all."

"Yeah, something like that."

We talked & talked until our lips finally met each other's and I didn't have one once of guilt in me. Scratch that, I had some guilt in me but damn. I couldn't pull away.

* * *

UGH! NIGGA, I GOT SCHOOL TOMORROW. BUT ITS WHATEVER 😒. I'll still update & stuff so you have nothing to worry about.

And please make me happy & vote for my new Tyler, the Creator love story, "Pigs". ✨🔫

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