Chapter 22: DAM

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What the fuck did I just do? Holy shit. We kinda just looked at each other and it happened.. Almost like we were waiting for it to happen. Fuck, this is weird, uncomfortable and awkward, all wrapped in one.

We pulled away and looked at each other. I moved to the other side of the couch and itched the back of my head.

She cleared her throat, "I'm so sorry, I-"

"No, it's ok. It was my fault.."

"Actually, it was our fault. We should've pulled away when we had the chance."

"Yeah, I know but it just...sorta happened."

"We can't tell her, she'd be heartbroken. One of us will surly die if she were to find out."

"And that will be me. This wasn't the only time I've cheated on her. We were recently working things out, actually."

"Wait, so you've been cheating on my sister?" She took offense.

"Please, this isn't the time. And you're also a culprit. You just kissed me."

"No, you kissed me."

"I'm pretty sure you kissed me." I protested.


"Ok, forget it! We're both guilty as fuck. Promise me you won't tell her."

"Promise." She lowly said.

I stood up and looked around, "I'm going to bed, now... Good night."


I went upstairs and hopped into bed with Zoe. I can't stop fucking up, I honestly can't. Like what's wrong with me?! She can never find out about this 'cause she'd kill me and that'd be the end of us for good. I was almost sure that she'd leave me after she found out I got Sarah pregnant, but she stuck it out and stayed by my side.

Why can't I ever do anything right in this relationship? And this bullshit happened right after the apology party, too! Ugh, fuck. I'm sorry as fuck, and I hope everything turns out ok. I'm taking this shit to my grave.


I woke up and immediately freed myself from Tyler's grip. He thinks I don't know about the kiss, right? Haha, silly him. I've been hurt way to many times for this to make me shed a tear, again.

I'm going to keep my mouth shut and see how long it takes for him to tell me. We'll see if he's the truthful one in the relationship. Of course, I doubt it.

I'm just going to pretend I'm completely clueless. Which one will crack first?

I went downstairs and decided to make us all breakfast. This should be interesting.

Cherry walked in rubbing her eyes, "Good morning, Zo."

I smiled, "It's a wonderful morning, isn't it?"

"Um, yeah. What's for breakfast?"

"I hope you like pancakes."

"I love pancakes." She said as I set a cup of coffee in front of her.

"Drink up." I smiled.

"Uh, why are you so bubbly today?" She asked, suspiciously sipping her coffee.

"No reason. I feel great! Don't you?"


Just then, Tyler walked in. She just looked into her cup, without out one word said.

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