Chapter 21: Nowadays

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I tossed and turned, hearing 3 bold knocks on my front door. Ugh. It's probably Tyler, though.

I went to freshen up and fix myself a bit before answering the door. They were still knocking, too.

"I'm coming, I'm coming!" I yelled, twisting the knob.

"Oh- Um, Hodgy?" I looked at him, oddly.

He had Trent by his side with his little play bag or whatever hanging from his shoulder, as well.

"Mornin', Zoe." He said.

"Um, hey." I cracked a smile and waved at Trent. "What are you guys doing here?"

"I'm dropping Trent off."


I knew he meant here, but why?

"Yes, here."

"But, I'm going somewhere today."

"Just take him with you. He's really good company."

"Ok, but where will you be?"

"I'm driving to a different studio. It's pretty far so I don't want him to get car sick. He hates driving for a long period of time, he always gets cranky."

"Oh, alright." I said as he handed me Trent's bag.

"Your sister's house isn't far, right?"

"No, not really."

"Ok, everything you need is in there. And heres my number, call if anything." He handed me his digits.

"Ok, but why do you trust me? Don't you have the wolves?"

"I'm not leaving my child around them, they act up all the time. It's a good environment for me, but not for him. And I know you're expecting so this is basically practice."


"Make sure he has four meals."

"Four? I thought it was three."

"He likes to snack around nighttime."

I laughed, "Ok."

He kissed him goodbye and gave me a hug, "If he gets hurt in anyway, you'll be six feet deep."

I gulped and nervously laughed.

He smiled, "I'm only serious."

Trent and I waved as he hopped into his car and drove off.

"Welp.. C'mon Trent." I sighed, walking him inside.

Don't get me wrong, I love Trent but this is a huge task. I appreciate Gerard trusting me and everything, but damn. Maybe I'm not ready. Hell, all I can do is try at this point, he's already gone.

I had to go to my sister's in half an hour, so I had to shower and get dressed.

I walked Trent up to my room and sat him on the bed, "Wanna watch tv?" I asked.

"Yes." He nodded.

I turned on the tv and switched it to Spongebob.

"You hungry?" I asked as he shook his head no.

"Alright. I'm going to be in the bathroom, scream if you need me." I ruffled his hair before jogging into the bathroom.

The warm water felt amazing against my skin. Boy, only if Tyler was here. Anyways, I hopped out after 20 minuets and got dressed. I didn't put on anything special because there was a fat chance paint would get on it. I left the bathroom and Trent was still peacefully watching that yellow sponge.

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