Chapter 32: Her (2/2) (Finale)

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"Cedric? What the-?" Tyler stood up, fixing his shirt.

"Tyler? What hell are you going here, my nigga?"

They know each other?! Oh fuck no. This is so damn bad.

"I was about to fuck my girl, dude. I should be asking you why you're here."

Cedric looked at me & laughed, "I came to talk to Zoe."

"About what? How do you guys even know each other?" Tyler raised an eyebrow, quickly becoming suspicious of us.

Cedric looked at me once more. He better not say it, oh he better not.

"We kissed."

Tyler's face dropped, "What, nigga?"

"We kissed, she didn't tell me she was taken before we did. If I knew she was with you, I wouldn't have spoken to her at all, b."

He looked at me, "Zo, is this true?"

"Y-Yeah, but-"

"Nope, I don't even want to hear you right now. I'm gone." He began charging past me until I grabbed his hand, hauling him back.

"Tyler, please don't go!" I held onto him tighter while he tried to wiggle out of my grip.

Cedric shrugged, "I guess I should go..."

"Get the fuck out and don't ever come back!" I screamed at him, still trying to hold onto Tyler.

Cedric left while Tyler was still heated up. Why was he even angry?! He kissed my damn sister about a week ago! It wasn't like I kissed his brother or anything, he was just a friend of his. I know that doesn't make it right but geez, give a girl a break.

I wasn't about let him walk out on me. This wasn't the time, I needed him next to me right now.

"Zoe, I'm giving you three seconds to let go." He said, calmly looking at the floor.

"Or what?! You're staying! I'm not letting you leave, Tyler!" I screamed, hugging him tighter.

"No, you don't need me! You have Cedric, remember?!"

"Dude, I forgave you for kissing my sister so why can't you do the same?! What happened between Cedric and I was a complete accident!"

"You may take shit like that well but I don't! If you're mine, you're mine! No one else's!"

"You're being such a hypocrite!"

"I'm sorry but I can't help it, Zoe! I'm crazy for you and it kills me that someone else got to kiss you! For the second time, might I add!"

I quickly became frustrated, "I wasn't the one who got a slut pregnant! Damn!"

Everything went dead. Nothing but awkward breathing.

"Well, then... I should take my ass elsewhere then. Good bye. I'll be back for the baby's appointment next week. Try not to kiss anymore else while I'm gone."

"Where the hell are you going?!"

"Somewhere but not here."

"You're really about to leave?!"

"Yes, I can't do this right now."

"You're being way too sensitive!"

"Am I?! Just because I care for you more than you could ever imagine, I'm ''way too sensitive''?! That's bullshit."

"You've stepped all over me from time to time! I suck that shit up and move the fuck on! Something you should do as well!"

"I'm not like you! I can't take fuckery like that sitting down! I do shit about it and I get angry real quick! Act like you know something!"

"Ugh, maybe it is best you leave."

"I think so as well."

He walked out & slammed the door behind him.


I couldn't believe she said I was being sensitive. I wasn't! I just want her all to myself, not to one of my best friends! I know I've fucked up over & over but when she does it... It hurts. Badly. Ugh, I don't know anymore. I don't take swindling relationships as well as she can. Sorry, for my imperfections, Zoe.

As much as I want to go back, I can't. I don't want to see her.


I ran upstairs and crashed into my bed, completely breaking down. This time, I seriously couldn't stop crying. I lost both of them at the same time! I barley have any one to talk to anymore & I could feel myself getting grey hairs from stressing so much. All this isn't good for the pregnancy.

Tyler's being the asshole, not me. He can't just put shit behind him & forgive me for the second time I've messed up? Unlike him, I've only messed up twice while he has over several times!

I suppose I'm going to go through this pregnancy alone because Tyler decided to get caught in his stupid ass feelings. If anything, this whole thing will make me stronger. I'm going to be a bomb ass mother with or without Tyler. As a matter of fact, I'm over boys right now.

I still can't believe this shit just happened. Everything's over. Tyler's gone, Cedric's gone including Eddy who has completely went crazy. Who's there, anymore? Just me.

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