Chapter 40 (prt2)

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   He still had the key the police had packed up their stuff a week before to the house was free for him. He shoved the key into the lock ,turned it and pushed the door open flashes of what happened in the house started to appear Red felt his heart clench and his breathing laboured "JON!!! Help he's here Malcolm is..." He  yelled crumbling to the ground

"Shh" Jon whispered wrapping his arms around Red and rocking them back and forth "Malcolm is dead. He's gone he can't come back" Red shut his eyes yeah he's dead I killed him he said to himself Jon kissed his fore head "Come on babe lead the way" Red shook his head Jon sighed "Come on jump on my back I'll carry you" Red jumped on his back and wrapped his legs around Jon's waist and his arms around his neck Jon snaked his arms under  both thighs to support Red.

Red shut his eyes and directed Jon with the best his memory could remember. They got to Helen's room and Jon kicked it open he set Red on the king sized bed he watched his boyfriend curl into a ball and sob quietly Jon sighed then proceeded to look for the box.

He goes down on all fours sticking his head under the bed he spotted a silver head poking out from a floor board. "Red, baby can you get up please" Red got like a zombie and curled into a ball on the floor Jon pushed the bed huffing and puffing as he pushed the heavy bed aside. He kept pushing until the silver head was fully visible he went on his knees and pulled on the silver head the floor board popped open Jon lifted the floor board and pushed it away he smiled when he saw the pink metal box he picked up the box, grabs Red's hand and runs downstairs dragging zombie Red behind him.

  Jon pulled up in front of his house his parents  were away on a trip to Spain he dropped the box in the closest table and went back for Red he lifted the smaller boy Red quickly wrapped his legs around Jon's waist and locked his ankles he then wrapped his arms around his boyfriend's neck  like a koala and kissed his neck

Jon smiled at least Red was responding"Maria please take that pink box up to my room" he said to the maid the woman nodded her had and did what she was told. Jon took Red to his room and kicked the door shut  he placed Red on the bed and pulled his laptop unto his lap Red opened the box and took out the flash drive that laid on top of many documents he handed the flash to Jon who stuck it into the USB section on the side of his laptop. Suddenly files started to pop up until it stopped at the will.

"Alfred Leon Davidson is entitled to his inheritance from his father and mother. He now owns the manor in London, his father's company...." Red was shocked the boy that was raped, broken,abused and hurt was freaking rich.

"Fuck" he whispered "what would I do with all this cash?" He asked still stunned Jon chuckled he pushed his laptop aside and leaned into kiss his boyfriend he pulled apart from the kiss and smiled "take it from me love, you could use it to help people but let's forget about that till you're 21" he said with a seductive look Red bit his lower lip rolling the plump rosy flesh between his teeth Jon smirked his baby was taunting him he tackled Red on the bed and kissed him silly.


The two of them where lying in Jon's bed watching a movie not that Jon was interested he was just playing with Red's hair and drinking in the beauty of the boy beside him "Red" the younger boy hummed "would you marry me?" Red looked away from the movie and stared at Jon Red's face broke into a warm heart fluttering smile "yes I'll marry you" he snuggled closer to his fiance.

Halfway through the movie Red placed a kiss in Jon's clavicle Jon hummed "I'll like to dye my hair"

"What colour?" He asked

"Blonde... A new beginning and we can move after we graduate we don't have to work like forever and we could travel around the world. We'll get married on sea like the Titanic and we'll have kids and-" Jon stopped his rambling with a kiss his hands trailed down to Red's ass he gave it tight squeeze Red gasped Jon lifted the boy and placed him on his lap and took the opportunity to slide his tongue into Red's mouth.

The older boy sucked lightly in Red's tongue gaining a moan from the younger boy Red's straddled his lap and his arms snaked around Jon's neck and pulled him closer while his fingered lightly  tugged his hair .Jon's moans grew louder when Red started grinding his hips against Jon's the older boy thrust his hips upward to create a delicious friction.

The two of them moaning as they enjoyed the delicious friction between them. Both of them pulled apart gasping for air Jon grinned "that's a new record" Red's cheeks grew hot he playfully slapped Jon's lap and snuggled into his fiancé's neck.

"I love you" Red whispered Jon smiled he places a kiss on the crown of Red's head "I love you too"

Author's note

The intense Mae out scene was not planed I am not good at writing the intense sex shit that goes on between them I've written down snippets  here and there but u don't know his to make it boner worthy.

Hope you liked it this is the end there's an epilogue.

Thank you for reading

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Love R.

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