Chapter 18 : Let's meet

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  Jon bit the bottom of his pen his gaze moved to the red hooded boy sitting in the corner of English class.

How could something be so beautiful and broken Jon said to himself Red's sea blue eyes flashed in his head again.

Let's meet in the boys locker room he scribbled on a piece of paper "pst" he whispers getting the attention of the kid in front of him "pass it to the hood" he whispered using Red's nickname .

He folded the paper and tossed it to the boy who passed it till it got to Red.

Red was surprised at the same time confused slowly he unfolded the paper.

Jonathan Wolff wanted to see him Why?

Because you are some broken kid and he wants to make fun of how pathetic you are the voice in his head sneered

Red shook his head he didn't need more problems especially one from his cursed head.


  Jon leaned against the wall of the boys locker room. Red walked inside his fingers fiddling with each other. He couldn't look at the boy that stood in front of him.

"Hi" Jon smiled with his hands jammed into his pocket.

"So how was class?" Jon asked trying to start a conversation "mine was suckish I mean I hate math but English class was cool" he added staring at Red who found the floor tiles more interesting.

"Why'd you call me here" Red finally asked Jon signed "can't a guy invite another guy to the boys locker room"



"Cause it seems like that guy wants to rape the other guy"

Jon backed Red against the wall "well it isn't if the other guy just wants to show the other love" he breathed his index finger caressing Red's cheek.

"I-I gotta go" Red said pushing Jon away. Quickly he ran out of the locker room far away from Jonathan Wolff. He didn't need a teenage boy on his problem list.

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