Chapter 35: No!

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  "Jon darling I have wonderful news!" His mother announced as she walked into him room  his lights were off and his curtains closed she looked around his dark room with distaste she then made her way to the curtains and pulled them back making Jon groan as the sunlight exploded in his room hurting his eyes.

"Sit up Jon. Hurry and listen" she ordered Jon propped himself up with his elbow and his eyes on his mother "the date is set" she said excitement

Jon's eyebrows rose up in confusion "date. What date?" He asked his mother laughed "your wedding date silly. Everything is set from the venue to the catering to the cake, everything." She replied smiling Jon's face fell he felt a piece if his heart being chipped away.

Three hours after the bombshell of a news his obnoxious mother shanghaied him to go checkout and pick up his suit as usual Jon didn't protest . On the way he just looked out the window not paying attention to anything his over excited mother said.

Thirty minutes later and they were at 'Monsieur'. The pair of them got out if the car and made their to the shop Jon didn't even stare at the suits or the place in awe he kept a stoic face and watched his mum go fan girl crazy over the lovely suits in the corner. Moments later a man with a yellow thin goatee and blonde hair approached then with a dashing white suit in hand his mother's face broke into a huge smile "oh wow it's wonderful" she gushed her fingers tracing the rose design on the breast pocket she turned around to face her son Jon knew that look it was the 'tell me what you think look'.

Jon shrugged "it's okay I guess" he said unenthusiastically his mother frowned at his response she told the blonde guy to pack up the suit once he was gone she spun on her heels and gave her son a disappointed look "what do you mean 'it's okay I guess'" she mocked "that suit was made just for you and all you can say is okay I guess" Jon tuned her out as soon as she said 'guess' he really didn't want to deal with her bullshit he had Red to think about.

The man returned with a black box tied with a grey ribbon and handed it to his mother the woman took it with a smile thanked him and left the shop with Jon hot on her heel. They got into his mother's car and drove off Jon groaned inwardly 'more minutes with mum' he thought clenching and unclenching his fist.


"I heard about that boy that died ... A wild animal attack I think. Oh! Poor soul I wonder what he was doing in the woods" Jon stared at his mum with surprise "how did you know" he asked his mother jerked her free hand's thumb to the back seat were a day old news paper laid.

Jon quickly grabbed the newspaper the first thing he saw on the front page  was the headline 'Boy dies to a bear attack. Body not found'  the next thing was Red's picture beneath the headline his boy was smiling brightly and he wasn't wearing his hoodie Jon couldn't take it anymore he broke down there and then and not caring if he was in front of his mother.

Jon's mother was not pleased with her son's sudden emotional release "stop it Jon you're a grown up stop crying. It's just a boy children die every day get over it. Besides it was his fault for wondering into the woods, he was stupid and dumb and you're getting married."

"No!" Jon screamed his mother stepped on the breath causing both of them to jerk forward "no mum I can't marry Matty cause am in love with someone else. Can't you see your own son is broken, the person I love is assumed dead and I know it's not true" his mother scoffed "you'll get over it" she said Jon laughed, a sour heart wrenching laugh "I can't get over him mum" he said emphasising the word 'him' his mother was about to say something but before she could Jon was out of the car running toward the woods.

Author's note

This book is coming to an end .
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Love R.

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