Chapter 13 : Lady Matilda Devux

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  "Get dressed we are going for a galla" Jon's mother announced handing her bag to a maid.

  Jon who was sitting on the couch groaned "why?" He asked staring at his mother "because darling we are going to see Lady Matilda Devux" his mother replied with a smile.

Jon got up lazily and walked to his room "Lady Matilda my ass" he mumbled as he got ready.


  Jon took in deep breaths then walked into the huge hall filled with aristocrats. He would have killed to be at one of Ben's party but here he is drinking champagne and helping himself to tiny expensive snacks on a table set aside in the room .

  "Jon" his mother called waving her hand unfortunately his father was away on a business trip in Milan and couldn't be there with his mother to torture him.

  "Yes mother" he answered putting on the biggest and the most fake smile he could muster .

"Go meet her love, she's right over there" his mother said stylishly pointing at the blonde haired girl beside the fiasco painting.

"Fine" he placed his champagne flute on the table and made his way to the blonde girl.

  "Bored aren't you?" The girl asked before he could say a word with a smile he replied "how'd you know?".

  The girl shrugged "I am pretty sure we are the only kids at this galla" Jon laughed "you are I am an adult" the girl frowned "great" she mumbled rolling her eyes.

"I am Jonathan Wolff by the way. Jon for short" he introduced the girl smiled "Lady Matilda Devux. Matty for short and I am pretty sure you are the guy my parents want me to marry" .

Jon nodded smart girl he thought "do you want to dance?' He asked Matty nodded "sure ... That's what out parents want to see right" then she gave him her hand.

Jon led her to the open dance floor where they began to waltz to the slow paced song played by the orchestra.

Jon's gaze moved to his mother who was smiling with pride he knew he had done her wish why wouldn't he he was stuck in his parents little world.

  Matilda wasn't so bad. She snorts when she laughs minus that she's good with her green eyes and heart shaped face and she liked 21 pilots.

The drive home was silent and Jon was happy for that. He stared at his mother and smiled at least I made her proud he thought. He did but the thing is for how long.

Matilda... Matty by the side >>>>>

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