Chapter 26 : Explanations

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     Jon bit on his nails whilst leaning against his car he needed to explain to Red, he needed to tell him what he was doing with Matty.

   Some excruciating minutes later when the parking lot was deserted Red walked in Jon quickly sighted him but the shielded boy was limping and leaning against cars as he moved.

"Red!" Jon shouted making his way through the sea of cars to get to the smaller boy. Red looked scared - hell frightened he thought it was Malcolm that called his name but when he painfully looked over his hurting and bruised shoulder all he saw was Jon - the hero that broke his heart. Men.

  Jon came to a halt standing in front of him was the broken boy with the bedazzling blue eyes and a throaty laugh. " Red am sorry about last night... It's not what you think " he paused drinking the image of the boy in front of him then continued "Matty was a setup my patents want me to marry her but I don't lover her okay and may never love her the way society or my parents want me to" Red could feel tears stream down his cheeks he was so stupid he let Malcolm touch him without hearing Jon's side of the story. He felt like a whore.

  Jon wiped away the tears with the back of his thumb after that his hands slid down to Red's wrist where he noticed was covered with a purplish bruise but he didn't want to push Red to tell him how that happened so instead he wrapped his arms around Red and pulled him into the most comforting hug he could offer.

That's how they stood a boy covered in bruises that was hidden underneath a red hood sobbing over another boy's shoulder in the middle of the parking lot.

Hey people of planet earth stupid crappy chapter and I apologise. I've really been feeling it. Soo yeah anyway hope u liked it of whatever but feel free to

Pls pls pls pls pls vote and comment and possibly follow... I think.

Love Rozie

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